(Your hero does the darn lawn)
I am not one of those people who likes to garden. Probably because my parents loved to garden and I was cheap labor. I don't mind cutting the grass, and of course as a homeowner I like things tidy looking, but gawd, weeding? Taking cares of plants, shrubs and flowers??? No way. I have two black thumbs, and its a lot of work.
But you have to weed from time to time, esp. just after winter. The biggest yard cleanup of the year, and I tried to do it before it got too hot today (88 and rising, in the shade at 10:30----last Monday it snowed).
Anyway, here are my gardening philosophies:
1) whereever possible, have ivies and plants that just cover space and rarely need weeding
2) the woods are THERE, on the other side of the line, I cut everything up to the woods with the mower, and we have no arguments
3) rake leaves? HA! This first cut of the year is important because the mower does all the "raking" for me--just shreds and mulches it. Fine with me.
4) This year I will grow: 2-4 tomato plants next to the fence--they will die, as they die every year
5) this year I will plant sunflowers in the weedy 10 foot circle in back, and hopefully the temps will not go down into the 20s in early June, which is what killed last years sunflowers
6) I can't kill marigolds, so I will pot a bunch of them and water them from time to time and call it a success.
10:47. Too early for a beer.
I hate yard work. I think if I owned a house I would put Astro Turf in.
i'm with you on the raking for sure... you know lots of people die raking every year... and shoveling too.
Never too early...
wow. prolific weekend, gary.
me? let's see, ummm... no social life this weekend unless you count soccer parties and spritzer girls at the mall...homework: 2nd grade science project; 3 poems for 8th grade language arts (that sestina was @@$^#... difficult); 8am sunday summit meeting re: le` divorce ...
and naps. i needed lots of naps.
Mow, mow, mow!
Beautiful portrait of my namesake today!
As for gardening and yardwork, now you know why I insist on living in an urban environment.
"this time last week it was snowing"?
Sounds almost like Belgium :-)
Re gardening:
I only wish I could have my garden back Gary. Sure, I have a nice, peaceful balcony, but a BBQ is out of the question.
So the heat from California moed up there! Now, we are down to the 60ties again!
Hubby and you could shake hands - he hates it for the same reason! But he does it for me though. We have a tiny city yard, and things can't spill over into the other yards, LOL
Good luck with your gardening:)
Good for you, Gary--you've worked out a garden routine that's fit for purpose. I would advise de-thatching that grass of yours in the autumn else you'll get a build up of grotty stuff and that'll kill it sure as an over-indulgence in grog. :-)
Those leaves are actually free fertilizer. Try a yellow pear or Early Girl tomato plant in a pot up next to the house, I say all wine (or beer) before it's time.
LOL! at 4! They will not die this year!!! Have faith. :) Sunflowers-yay!
And here I am resurrecting my veggie garden this year. Bought all new fencing for the deer to jump over and probably eat everything I have.
I love gardening, Gary. Love, Love, Love it!
The only thing I hate about mowing is there is no drink holder on it! Dang!
Dude, any day you have to mow the lawn you are entitled to a beer while you're doing it - no matter the time. Did no one tell you that rule? I'm sorry. Now you know.
Tortilla surprise looks YUM! I would come garden for you & Maude if I could have tortilla surprise afterwards. You know - I can't grow cilantro either. I have parsley coming up everywhere (not where it's supposed to be, no - we're talking the cracks in the sidewalk) but cilantro, it's close cousin, will not grow for me. And tomatoes? Pft... not here. And that's a shame cuz I love me some fried green ones.
#4 made me laugh. Maybe this year will be different.
We share a very similar gardening philosophy. Yay for you getting warm weather.
If you got up very early (and I'm pretty sure you did) then 10:47 is probably not too early for a beer. I think a nice cold beer is a good reward for doing yard work in the heat. However, I am slightly afraid of the riding lawn mower (even with that, it takes 2-1/2 hours to mow our yard!) so I don't get that reward very often. And like you, I hate weeding and I have 2 black thumbs (funny, I just made that comment on another post!!) --so my chances of getting a "reward beer" have gone down immensely.
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