Went over to Ben's today. Ben is a painter who has also done some wild work with clay, and we are doing some projects together, like I make the vase, he paints newd ladies on them. Or whatever. Ben lives like a real artist: in a huge loft which is in a huge former chicken coop, which is inhabited by: a blacksmith, a furniture maker (both those dudes make pieces that cost thousands for EACH item) another painter or 2, a band who has a recording studio there 6-7 different artists doing amazing work. Plus a couple of dogs wandering around. Plus Ben's cat who is Spike's cousin, and this is, like Spike, a champion mouser (needed in a former chicken coop) and also totally sweet and purrific.
Look at the one pic there---it shows a long and narrow watercolor landscape, alongside a bright abrstracted landscape? That's Ben--totally skilled, totally experimental, totally able to perfectly copy a scene OR see it through another eye....
After reading the comments on the nekkid vases, I think the votes are in that the best marketing tactic for you is to become the new exclusive distributor of Ben Pots and Vases ... or perhaps even pencils (Just think of the slogan" "Now, you, too, can chew on Ben!") LOL ...
So, bottom line, whore out Ben to sell more wares. :-)
why is it that my fantasy is to spend the day with you two GUYS??
Shhhh...we won't tell the Wifester! ;)
Gary... you ran a wire through Ben's head and made him channel Peter Max!
LOVE Ben's art. LOVE your art. The combo is going to rock!
How come Ben is so darn cute...
Ben is totally charming and sweet too.
gary, ben, spike, felix, spike's purrty sibling, penny, painting, pottering, ms. tastycakes, MY SWEETHEART...
garryyy !! you're hawt 'nough to sell your own wares. and the pottery wares too! (snickering ....)
saying all's that: let me, a mule who lurrves the male species, throw a vote in for a 'mixer of nekkidness'. i mean, c'mon ladies, you have to admit we wimmenkind are real EASY ON THE EYES dressed or undressed. we've got these nice hills and vales ....
i'd like to see nekkid men AND women romping around one vase. otherwise, i'll buy one of each.
I'm liking Cheri's suggestion!
You know - that 2nd photo of Ben is just so handsome. Makes ya want to lift his cap off (or as Joe C. says - 'You Can Leave Your Hat On') ;)
I love the sunshine/mountains pic! What's he covering up with the sheet???? Hmmmm???
Chunky kitty is adorable but yours, no?
Thank for my badge at your place! It doesn't make YOU a glass half full GAL, it just means you're a glass half full guy who follows a Glass Half Full Gal!
You ROCK!!!!
So, if you win you can give the Ice Cream voucher away! Kay?
Prohomemaker.com has the right idea! Whoring out Ben sounds like a good financial move.
Tom and his paintings are both hot.
I'm pretty sure Jenn meant Ben. I'll vouch for her.
Ben has made bowls that feature nekkid men and women all around the edges or sides, they are really hilarious and cute....and anatomically correct.
I'm very worried about the guitar dangling from the cieling!
didnt realize my hat was so color coordinated!
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