Twas 28 first thing this am when we walked the dogs: gloves, parka, hat. 78 by afternoon, THANK YOU JESUS!
I was all jingly jangly by 2 pm, and needed to get work done. I decided to get out of the house and do it at the Cornell studio instead, so I could gossip with my friends, get a change of scene, and, um, go to happy hour at my favorite ratty bar next to Cornell (FREE POPCORN BABY!) with Missus Jiffypop when she finished work at Cornell at 4:30. My trick is this: pick her up after work, park by the bar and casually say: "wow, kinda hot, are ya thirsty dear? Wanna step in and wet the whistle?".
My wife is very sweet and trusting and falls for it every time (look at her thuggish husband pictured above making faces, doesn't she look lovely?).
I am making these wild cups and saucers. I'll go back to Cornell tomorrow and make more....
Yes, she IS beautiful and now I have Stevie Wonder music in my head - thanks!
Is that the Chapter House!! Wow. That is so cool.
Oh, I was thinking how much that looked like that narrow-eyed private eye type who married Lauren Bacall? Remember him?
Gary, I'm surprised you didn't find a way to show off the tat.
Love the scalloped cup! Adorable! Oooh, it looks kind of like a flower. You could put little blossoms on the saucer and then a vine with leaves growing up around the handle!
Adorable that would be, right? Just in time for summer!
there tis a wee little turtle on that one, thanks!
gary... i wanna visit just so i can go to the ratty bar with you all
Once the students leave, Michael and I have beers (Bass) every Wednesday! Stop in!
P.S> I do the same trick! :)
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