(2000+ year old Greek vase with a newd dude, vases by Gary Rith)
My real-life-lives-across-town-plus-he-blogs-and-paints buddy Ben (see below) and I are working on a project. Ben likes the traditionally shaped vases I make and he is a painter and wanted to go Grecian.
The Greeks of antiquity had a thing for painting newd men on vases. Ladies wore togas. Ben and I are thinking of decorating vases in the obviously much improved way of newd ladies and the men in togas. Or maybe forget the dudes entirely.
I am going over to Ben's with these tomorrow for stage two of Operation Nekkid Lady Vases.....
Okay...nekkid is good. Forget the togas.. get funky!
I'm sure many (men) will approve of your deviation from tradition. ;)
Bring on the nekkid men, bet you'd sell a ton of vases. I swear Spike and Binky are twins.
Forget the vases, Gary... just "throw" us some nekkid men ;-)
Nekkid Ben!
I'm agreeing with celeste. Forget the newdly ladies.
Ben is Hawt! So is the pottery tho ;)
Naked pottery---any kind---is surely thet best sort of pottery out there. Get moving, people!
Reminds me of the plates in the movie, The Bird Cage :-)
uhhhhhhhhhh......... i think i just swallowed water the wrong way .... or maybe i'm drooling all over myself.... how about one with nekkid office boys, and one with nekkid potters, and one with nekkid painters, and one with nekkid firemen, and one with .........
JUST NEKKID MEN !!!!! swooning,
Tease. And what Celeste said.
Celeste is a wise woman.
Nekkid women doing what?
Does Ben do self portraits? Cause I'm thinkin.......he's pretty hawt.
Ben is super hawt. Ben and I both feel, as dudes who play for the straight-and-lady-lovin' team, that newd ladies on vases is very appealing. Newd dudes? Who wants to paint that?
Do you want to sell? Okay then...nekkid men!
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