(teaset by Gary Rith)
I was thinking Sunday "how do people get that curvy and asymetrical thing?" and so I threw a teapot body and hacked out a couple of pieces and pushed it around and HOLY cats it worked. And so I made 2 matching cups to go with.
But then yesterday I am assembling the thing and the base breaks through and the handle falls off, and I am like WTF! OK, tricky, but I see how to finish this thing, and I make a better teapot body (kept the lid--it looked good) and now HERE is the triumphant and curvy teaset. I was also thinking at the time "well, if the body is curvy, make the handle curvy too, and while you're at it, make the spout curvy too!".
So, as I say all the time, I am very experimental and I try new stuff all the time, and this idea is a KEEPER.
Looks like your banner is curvy, too. Isn't it a tad early to be whipping out the cake-carrying-bikini-babe?
Nice curves on those pots, btw.
I am trying to get everybody ready for April 8th. SHE IS ready.
Love this! Can't wait to see how you glaze it.
Now that's what I call 'Pottery with ATTITUDE!'
i LOVE the curvy pot.
Hmmmm - what's happening on April 8th?????
Really, Gary - babes in bikinis??? Maude is more clever than that!
Oh man...I see me spending more loot!
Wonderful shape. Your should do more of these.
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