(piggy bowl by Gary Rith)
You love leftovers, esp. leftovers full of onions and garlic. Things get a little more pungent on day two.
Missus Chawclat Cake might get thin and waste away so I baked her a cake (and warmed up the last of the tortilla surprise), and I used the lazy-man's frosting method: toss a load of chocolate chips across the top of the cake when it comes out hot. They melt in. I was feeling nutty and added some of theose too.
The tortilla looks good to me.
yummers! wish I had vegan choccie chips like those, they look great :)
Oh my! Mrs. Chawclat Cake might get thin??? I should be so thin. I was thin a few years ago. I was always thin.
*sigh* I don't know what happened.
Chocolate cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That vase is GORGEOUS! Oh my gawd! I was drooling over the cake until I opened your site to comment and saw the vase. It really is beautiful.
I'm still drooling over the cake too. Sure you guys don't need a girl friday? I work for chocolate. ;)
Isn't putting chocolate chips on a cake harder than just frosting it? ;)
Either way, YUMM-Y!
I tried taking photos of dishes before, and they always look like hell. I have the biggest respect for food stylists now. :-)
BTW I did a kielbasa stir fry tonight, and it wasn't half bad.
Um, Gary. I don't know. You miiiight just need a little more chocolate there. :-D
*snicker* "Got Chocolate?"
Thank you for keeping Maude's "body and soul together" as our Grandmother would have said. I love the little smiling, round-bellied piggy poking out between the tortilla and the cake. You must go through chocolate chips by the metric ton in your house.
I think that piggy likes your cooking! Maude is a lucky woman. :)
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