(Farah, Cheryl Tiegs and Bo Derek)
The more people I meet in person who read this blog, the less I want to embarrass myself. But then again, I tend to BLOG IT ALL and therefore must be willing to suffer some embarrassment along the way. Who cares. I am a grownup and my wife likes me the way I am, which is silly. Plus I can pretend that I am The Regular GUY sometimes and write about extra dumb stuff.
Anyway, the radio tells me Farah is super sick with cancer. Jeez, poor lady! I remember the days of my youth in the 70s, when she sat atop the holy trinity of BABES, with Cheryl Tiegs and Bo Derek (and Suzanne Sommers and all---then, of course, Deborah Harry and Chrissie Hynde and...). Gosh, we've all gotten old.
So, the full season opens today, and despite an expensive roster the Yanks look good, but probably not even close to world series good. If we're talking about the Cubs, it is hard, as usual, to realistically think they will EVER win a world series. And then basketball, which as a small and compact person, I have never watched or played (well, I loved my nerf thing in my room when I was a kid). So, 2 weeks ago I am caught up in the usual bracket frenzy and fill out the 65 slots according to whim (and local teams---putting Cornell, Syracuse and Connecticut in the final four with Kansas or something like that) and naturally I was all WRONG but perhaps we can all wish for a rather successful Michigan State Stomping of North Carolina and wake me when college football is on again because otherwise who cares...
My St. Louis Cardinals are going to suck. Again.
I'm going to be rooting for UNC tonight. Sorry.
The NBA playoffs start soon. I only watch the Spurs though.
I remember the babes of my childhood fondly. I think Phoebe Cates ranks as #1 for me though. Just saw "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" again yesterday. Phoebe was just as freaking gorgeous as I remember.
I may have to do a post of the babes of my childhood. I've been considering joining Thursday Thirteen, maybe that should be my first entry? 13 babes that I grew up lusting after? LOL
only 13?????????
I'm laughing at you two - boys will be boys ...
and girls like me will forever remember their Farrah Fawcett hair with 'wings' and the humiliation of being ranked between 1 and 10 by a group of boys. Thanks a lot, Bo. This adolescent mule was a late bloomer !!
Red dirt, you are no doubt an ELEVEN :)
flattery will get you everywhere!
Yes. These women are the has beens, as much as I hate to say it.
Doctor says she is doing better than the news reports. I hope so. But it has spread to her liver. :-(
Don't ever stop being silly. Reading your silliness makes my day.
Cheryl, Farrah and Bo. We had the hot babes - ladies from today cannot compare.
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