(Missus Cafe au Lait and Spike Cat, cups and saucers by Gary Rith--note chocolate cake)
Tis quite a rare thing, grabbing a non-broken pot for our own use. I liked this cup and saucer and gave it to US, turtle and all.
Kinda funny, the angle of that one pic makes it look like Spike is getting into the coffee himself.
Today is wicked busy! The traveling vet visits this morning (which means I have to scrub the kitchen and esp. the kitchen floor, which serves as an examination table and I don't want to be embarrassed by my poor house keeping skills). Just Penny's yearly exam, plus the vet will be giving me the yearly flea and other meds for all the dogs and cats...HAHAHA! yes, meds for 4 pets for one year is PRICEY.
THEN, of course, I am off to the spend several hours manning the cash register in the final moments of the Cornell Pot Shop spring sale at Willard Straight Hall. I have had some emails about it, as we go into day 4, and it sounds like I have had good sales.
Great mug and looks plenty big for a nice cup of joe!
Now, that's how to pry one's eyes open in the morning. :-)
wow... that's one nice wavy cup and wavy saucer... i know what you mean, the only ones i keep are broken too. there's some volume there too, looks like about a quart of coffee... aahh, java.
That is some nice cup and saucer! Do you know the coffee tastes better in such cups??
Oh YAY! Visiting Vet is so awesome. I have to load 175 lbs of dogs into the vehicle to take them in...
Whew! Hubby usually helps, though! ;-)
ZOWIE!!! You definitely needed to grab that set!
And you love my plates, I know you do. :)
Good luck on the sales - you need them to pay those vet bills.
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