(Gary and Spike)
As readers may know, I love Felix the cat. If you are a student of Felix, you realize that the original cartoon (see below) comes from 1919, then he was brought back in the 1950s, which was the series I grew up watching, and then again brought back in the 90s, as I posted yesterday.
So Friday I am wearing my new Felix tee and walking in downtown Ithaca, I am not kidding here, and a lady stops her car and sez "I love your tee, esp. the back!". Later me and the missus were at our favorite ratty bar and the bartender is like "awesome tee man!". I love my new Felix the Cat shirt so much, which Missus Buttercup gave me for Easter (and I happen to be wearing today) that I had to buy a second (which arrived today!)and you can get one for yerself!!!!!!!!
Felix was first called Tom and later renamed Felix.
I love Felix!
that's how you get "kittens"- no more dancing for us!
Well you realize that you have to show us the back now, right?
Glory be, Mr Rith, I too trawl TooYoob for old Felix cartoons....
I shall post my riposte, "Felix Saves the Day", and "Krazy Kat Goes a Wooing" at my place. I just love the fluidity of these old cartoons, the freedom displayed by their makers, Here we are, almost a hundred years later, and despite all the technological advances in between, these ancient little flicks are still at the top of their game.
That was some dark ending. But I liked the rest of it.
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