(hoppin John and plate made by Gary Rith, Penny and Buster, and the hands of my sous chef)
My wife is from Kansas City, which, depending on whom you ask, is southern, or western or midwestern, or I suppose even northern or eastern. Missouri seems very southern to me, at times, because many of the friendly residents have southern accents. The wife's family ancestors measured the fitness of a potential new wife by what she could do to a live chicken, and how well she could fry it.
On New Year's it is apparently a southern tradition to have ham and black eye peas, for good luck all year. We didn't get around to it right on the first. Plus we're vegan. So, when Kim came over yesterday the missus did some chopping and I did some cooking (with soy sausages filling in for ham) and we made wicked spicy Hoppin John. Consisted of 2 celery sticks, onion, sausage, green pepper, a large and wicked hot pepper all sauteed for several minutes. Then 2 cans of black eye peas dumped on and simmered several minutes, then dumped onto rice. It was a sinus clearing experience, and we shall no doubt have a very lucky year :)
Absolutely! And along with that you need some greens of some kind. Preferably collards, because the black-eyed peas are luck and the greens are money for the coming year!
We live in NC but when I was a kid and would visit here people would ask where I was from.
Virginia I would say- "Oh," they would say, "way up north."
We had our black-eyed peas & spinach. Though I couldn't get it passed the lips of the others in this household. LOL. But hopefully I ate enough to cover the whold household.
May you have a very lucky year indeed.
thanks!!!! I dumped in a load of cilantro greens, hope that counts for something.......
Its yummy.
Cilantro, yuck. I had ham and green peas last night, does that count?
Jim said he'd be right over. He likes spicy. (and Celeste - keep your hands to yourself! lol).
Mmmmm! Purple onion, cilantro, and that pepper looks awesome! Yummy!!!
Yummy!!! The cute beagle looks so little next to your beautiful black lab.
Hoppin' John has never appealed to me--but your photo makes it sound quite yummy.
Hey, nice plates! ;)
I can't get that spicy, but it does look delish. We had black-eyed peas and coleslaw at a friend's house. They said it was important to have cabbage but no one knew why-- maybe it is really a green thing? Anyhoo, I had a yummy serving of the b.e.p. and coleslaw on the side, so I hope I'm covered!
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