In 2009 so far:
--feels like life starts again, just finished glazing a wee little load of potlets, firing in the wee little kiln.
--got my first paid order of 2009 last night :)
--and today? Still have to clean the house, which may take days to do a proper new year's cleaning, but we are making jam today, from berries we picked and froze last summer. 4 batches.
--I am in the mood to try making peanut butter cups again, you will recall last week's didn't turn out right.

Gary, there's been a television running in the last couple of weeks for a new expresso machine from Breville. They natter on about this system that allows it to extract more crema. It's $400, though. LOL
As always, deals abound on eBay.
400 bucks......
You LOVE coffee! :)
I hope you and the missus have a great 2009! :)
Love the buttery mahogany glaze of those mugs below. wow, 500 pieces sold from your blog is impressive, glad December turned out so well for you. Happy New Year.
Wishing you a happy New Year, and lots and lots of fabulous espresso!
I was just in your neck of the woods and spent hours snowed-in on a NY highway. Ughhh.
Happy New Year, my friend! I was missing my daily dose of pottery and Penny and the bunch :-)
For myself, I prefer the wee little layer of crema that forms on the top of a properly-poured glass of oatmeal stout...but to each his own wee favorite!
Happy New Year to you and Maude!
If you buy an espresso maker, make sure you get one with 15 bars of pressure. You may be able to find one for $100 or so, especially now that there are so many sales.
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