(cups and saucers by Gary Rith)
Or maybe just from my PO to my purple house (video below). I endeavor to show you every little detail of my silly little life, like driving around the block from the PO over the bridge on Fall Creek, left onto Main and up to the purple house (I was returning from the store, otherwise why drive around the block?). Sorry, btw, too late, the house across the street sold in one week....
Above? I was sorta trying out the idea of squares and circles in cups and saucers. Tres good.
Well, isn't that a nice little jaunt : ). Do you go to the post office every single day?
Our village is one of the smallest geographic specks in the US (for a rural zip code) just a quarter mile by a half mile, and there is only ONE employee who is also postmistress, and we have no delivery. Everybody has to go over to our cute little PO and get their mail from a box. It is very useful for a guy who shipped about 500 items last year to have a PO around the corner!
Nice trip. I love that you looked both ways at that intersection and when I saw that white SUV I yelled "CAR COMING!" as if I was riding with you. LOL
lol - that was big fun! You are a hoot!
Dude! Just to be clear, you ARE driving while you're taking that video? You'd love driving in Puerto Rico! ;-)
PS. Nice mugs! What is that pointed piece of plaster or bisque ware next to the mug pieces? A proprietary seam-smoothing tool or just random? Inquiring minds... M
OH! That piece is my little bisque GR signature stamp. :) Thanks!
oh, yeah! Moon Baby! \m/ Nice driving music!
Looked to me like a few road repairs might be desirable, as well. But what a pretty, pretty place that is! It all looks so cozy and friendly and, well, really, really pretty!
It's good to know I'm not the only person that does this. There's a photo on my FB page from the front window of my truck and a Farmers Coop manager made a little comment about driving 40 tons and taking photographs.... it's not any worse than driving and talking/texting. BTW, is that Godsmack?
Yes, tis Godsmack....
Hey! I remember walking to that bridge with you!
Oh my! First off this made me sick to my stomach secondly.......you almost gave me a heart attack when you spent "too long" looking out over the bridge and not at the road! THEN! when you got the 366 I was afraid you were going to get hit!!!
I really like the shape of those mugs. Yes, quite good.
i'm sorry dear... how did he die? ... he was making sure he got a good shot of the river while driving home from the post office. i'm not sure why this video is funny, i guess 'cause i know you're driving
This was too fun to see. I now see why other people say California is so brown -- it was just gorgeous green everywhere. If I only had a camera, I could do the same when I go to the grocery store .25 mile away, and you'll hear me say such gems as, "Green means go, idiot," "Get off my ass," "Great, thanks for taking up the whole lane so I can't turn right." Thank goodness I picked up gin at the store to recover. :-)
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