(ME and Missus Happy Hour at the Chapter House, scones and plates by Gary Rith, and wee little clay tablets from Mesopotamia, 2000 BC)
So my dear sweet friends Maggie and Katie, getting married next week using my chalice in the service, come over to get the chalice and have tea and crumpets, except none of us really know what a crumpet is, although I have heard the English expression "get a little crumpet" as in, get la!d, but I made totally awesome HEART scones for the ladies and man, they are the greatest couple and plan to buy a house and get a dog and have babies, the whole deal, and then I ship a teapot to Houston and go to pick up the wife after work and WHY SAY, there's a parking spot by the Chapter House and it is HAPPY HOUR, but before that, the missus works in suchandsuch dept at Cornell University, where they have, can you believe it, a massive collection of 2000 BC Mesopotamian clay tablets with records and stories written on them, here's a few....what a cool afternoon.
well, you know.....
Gary, the scone on the plate by itself looks like there is a little bird sitting on a limb on it... talent, I tell you, talent!
Hey Gary, a crumpet is like an English muffin but a bit more spongy. Really good slightly toasted with butter (or marg) melting all over! YUMMM! Pass the marmalade please!
i'm so envious... my favorite bar I've never been to, it's getting so i have to visit just to go get a beer there
I've had crumpets with the WORKS, just like Nancy describes but also with ricotta cheese and raspberry jam. It is heavenly experience. Must drink strong tea.
Now I want to go to Pike Place Market in Seattle where I have had these delightful, sinful treats!
I suppose I can't bring my kids into the Chapter House? Bummer.
(I'm still planning our trip there in August, BTW!)
Those scones were very delicious - thank you again, Gary!
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