Not fishing for compliments, but who do you think I am?
A blogger recently told me a number of things about myself, which kinda don't match the whole picture. But probably match the tip of the iceberg you get here.
Whaddya think, can you please go to comments and tell me 3 impressions you have of me???
(who do I think I AM? A reclusive and shy person with a wicked sense of humor. That's 3. Your turn.)
A liberal, vegetarian, greeny te he.
A hospitable potter, with a great sense of humor, a huge web presence.
A creative, caring and funny guy.
Only three, hmm...a wonderful potter, music lover, and very funny!
A goofy guy with a lovely wife and some mad pottery skillz.
A guy with a great sense of humor, a quiet way of living life and a true appreciation of BEER! :)
Creative, humorous left-wing nut. ;-)
Hawt! A big web presence! Does my wife know this yet?
Oh. I’m always afraid and yet interested in hearing what people think of me. It’s a curse.
You’re very tolerant of my special brand of crazy which leads me to believe that you are, in turn, a rather odd duck yourself. A bit absurd but in a non-scary way. Delightfully absurd and always on the look out for weird.
You have a lot of love. You clearly very much adore your pets and your wife and your friends. Even your favorite bar gets doted on with Gary-love. You just seem to cherish the things in your life.
Also, I think you aren’t shy anymore but probably grew up shy and still consider yourself shy.
Artsy, creative, funny, NOT shy, funny, artsy, creative, outgoing, funny..
ok, get the gist of it. :)
I am an ODD DUCK sure enough :)
i can only use 3 ???
hmmmm .....
ok. i'm mulish, so i'm going to ignore the word limit - snickers.
Oh. I was only supposed to use 3 words? Whoops.
Hmm here's my 3
Wicked sense of humor
Good Husband
* Wonderfully liberally
* Devoted husband
* Sweet soul
I reserve judgement (hey, that's 3 words!!) ;)
beer... loving... amigo!
It's almost all been said..........
A ten-year old masquerading as a grown-up!
(just like me)
A creative guy.
Devoted husband.
Animal lover.
Hey, man, you don't talk to Gary Rith. You listen to him. The man's enlarged my mind. He's a poet-warrior in the classic sense. I mean, sometimes he'll, uh, well, you'll say "Hello" to him, right? And he'll just walk right by you, and he won't even notice you. And suddenly he'll grab you, and he'll throw you in a corner, and he'll say "Do you know that 'if' is the middle word in life? 'If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, if you can trust yourself when all men doubt you'..." – I mean, I'm no, I can't – I'm a little man, I'm a little man, he's, he's a great man. I should have been a pair of ragged claws scuttling across floors of silent seas...
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