Many of you will remember that my right arm was inked around St Patrick's Day with a tat I planned 15 years ago: my wife's initial in a red star. I am wicked pleased with it, and heck, if you have waited 15 years.....
People say you get hooked, they're like M and Ms--you can't have just one.
Anyway, I am wondering if my man Scott could turn this beauty into something for my LEFT arm---for balance......
Sure you don't want to do a piggy? Maybe a sexy piggy mermaid :o) I have 7 myself..it was slightly addicting. I'm done though...or that's what I tell myself now.
Pretty Cool! :) Go for it!!!
At the very least that mermaid needs to be carrying an earthenware urn or SOMETHING made from clay!!!
Looking at the arrow, at first I thought you wanted it on the back of your left hand, which made me go "ouch!".
naw, left bicep, and the heck with pottery, I want a mermaid on my arm!
I love her shells :)
loads of neat tattoos there.
as long as she has red hair .... you've got to balance out your reds, ya know ??!! snickering ....
i'm kind of liking her shells, too - GEESH !
Yuck. No more! How about a nose ring???
Gary - what is happening to you???
Nooooooooo! I can't help it. I still think it's asking for a nasty infection.
Why not get a temporary tat instead?
Ok SO here's a thought, on your arm, well you won't be able to see her much? So that leaves the misses to look at it or anyone else. I don't know about you but that doesn't turn me on but now the biceps... well that's a different story ...GRIN...
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