SO, here she is, Carrie. YES, Carrie. I mentioned recently that the first crush I had in sixth grade (there were at least five crushes that follwed that year) moved from New Zealand to our town recently, what kind of coincidence is that? Wicked cool. We had a lot of the same classes together for years, in middle school and high school, then in the early 80s, obviously, went seperate ways.
Carrie was and is a totally lovely person and it has been a treat for me and the missus to get to know her again.
And my beagle Penny is a beastie, but you knew that.....
New Zealand, did those kiwis destroy her accent? Looks like a fun coffee kind of meeting :)
That is so cool!
That is hilarious! Funny dog and something my Otter would do, but he's too big for your lap Gary,you'd be flattened if Otter climbed up there heheheh. If you blow up that last shot over her shoulder is a sign that says prohibited in this area! hummmm maybe it's coffee drinking doggies?
does carrie have a new zealand accent now?
Gaarrrrrrrrrrrrrry, does she have an NZ accent???
She has a pretty smile : ) I am glad you have a friend in your town. Very cool : )
Penny drinks Fourbucks! (She has expensive tastes!)
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