(pottery by Gary Rith)
My pals Lynda and Heath and Gaye are like "you should post pics of all the pots around the studio today, then we will spend gobs of money on your stuff"
OK, they said the first part, I added the gobs of money part, but you know, anything here could be yours....
anyway, the place is messy, normal for me, except the top 3 pics, my "GALLERY area....
You are so talented!!! Well, did they buy gobs of stuff????
Let the buying of gobs begin!
Gary ....you are a machine!! Very cool!!!
wow... what a collection. great forms and colors!
the colours are phenomenal
peace, Kai n dan
OMG your timing is perfect...Gary do you have a picture of a Salt Pig that looks like a PIG! i have a lady here that wants one and I don't really do PIGS, not like you do! Can you post it for me to look at to get an idea?
You are torturing me here, Cousin Gary!
I suggest that you do not let me in that room without my husband. I could get into a LOT of trouble with my checkbook!!
On the other hand, Christmas *is* coming...
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