You can tell when you look at the wee little devilish smile on my face.
OK, back at YOU, tell me, what little (PG rated!) something makes you naughty or devilish???? Eating oreo centers and giving the dog the cookies? Digging out the middle piece in a pan of brownies? Stealing the french fries off your wife's plate when she goes to the lady's room (it wasn't me, honest!), dressing your dog up for Halloween?????????
I need funny stories and naughty habits, help me out here in comments.....
when i'm making pasta, i usually put in extra cloves of garlic if mom's in the other room
moe more more garlic!
I help Tori and Alyssa get away with doing things they are not supposed to do. I will lie to their parents to keep them out of trouble.
I drink straight from the milk AND orange juice cartons and then put them back in the fridge. Also, when I'm cooking breakfast, I make myself an extra slice of bacon and eat it while cooking the eggs. The "Cook's Bonus." ;-)
When my son-in-law disciplines my Grandcookies, I run to the rescue and spoil them rotten :)
I don't do anything wrong, and I work hard to convince myself of that lie.
I eat Oreos from the back of the package, so when you open it up, it looks like there's still a bunch left.
I have to admit, I enjoy Metallica, I really do....
I always leave the heels of bread for my hubby. I just don't like heels.
Stacey, you admit this in PUBLIC???????????
HA HA. I used to always steal my kids extra crispy french fries, now they just give them to me.
I always give my male dog Ozzie more cookies than Cocoa, we are trying to fatten him up. I don't think she knows though....keep it on the DL.
I try to make spahgetti with ground turkey, but eversince he SAW me cooking it one day, he won't eat it! He says he can tell the difference. NOT!
I get her flustered in public places.
At Easter time I buy a package of the big Reeses easter eggs...eat them and have to replace it before the Bunny comes....hopefully only once!
Sometimes I see who is calling on caller id and I don't pick it up. That's so mean!
I am shocked SHOCKED I tell you.
I can admit that I watch RENO 911 when I catsit....I know. I feel quite guilty.
Sometimes I wait to leave a phone message when I know people aren't home so I don't have to talk to an actual human!!!!
When I go to the store, I buy Brian the cheap Nutty Bars (he requests them!) and get the good cookies for myself (and then hide them in the kitchen)... >:)
I switch computers (new IP address) and use Art's email addy to get extra coupons. My dirty little secret.
And eww Jay drinking out of the milk carton!
Doesn't anyone fart and blame the dog? Not me, I'm just asking.
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