This putz covered a skull with diamonds and it sold for 100 million bucks. He's the same dude who chopped a calf in half and put it in a tank, ditto a shark (more or less)
On the other hand, there is ME. I made this cute little teapot with a smiley little skull on top to make you laugh and keep you company....
(teapot by Gary Rith)
I like your little skull. It would go great with my goth vase.
Yours is a million times better!
Thanks, I think its pretty darn cool....
Pretty darn cool is right! Priceless, I'd say!
have you ever checked out bulldogpottery here is seagrove- they do some great sculls too. check them out when you get a minute.
These skulls are just the cutest/coolest.
It looks like decoration for the Mexican "Day of the Dead". All the skeletons look very cheery.
makes me think 'skullduggery' for some reason. my youngest would love this as we are reading Treasure Island together each night ....
ahhar matey .....
make me a pair of dragon mugs and i'll pay you a pretty penny for the two !! sorry, can't sketch and send my idea. i trust your vision .....
I prefer the teapot ... a million gazillion or so. Just so you know.
I like yours better than the one with diamonds : ). Skulls are so big right now, aren't they? Sometimes it scares me. It's a little dark. I don't love 'dark'
Oh. My dark skulls are wicked cute though :)
Thanks all!
Yours is definitely better!
Talk like a Pirate day is coming up next month, you know...
I followed the link. What. An. Idiot.
So will you be selling the cute little teapot? I LOVE it!
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