This blog began on myspace today 3 years ago but by late August 2006 I had come to blogger and
the original pottersblog lasted 2 years and one month and then I opened this one. This blog is 11 months old, and running out of memory :)
I am proud of myself. I post 3-6 posts of baloney a day, and when this one fills up I'll start another.
Let's look at the figures:
-3 years
-2 blogs
-over 4500 posts total
-I have now met face to face dozens of bloggers from around the world
-and in 2008 the blog sold over 500 pots, over 3 years it has sold over 1000 pots
Thanks for hanging in there with me!
(teapot by Gary Rith)
Congrats Gary, and as they would say here "Gracias a ti!"--I'm sure I'm not the only one who not only enjoys your posts but has also found many other interesting blogs through your blogroll. You're a great ambassador for the diverse world of bloggers. Keep it up!
Ambassador Gary :)
I came back from a 2-week vacation and you had posted 68 times!! I can't keep up with you.
It does make me sad when bloggers disappear or fade away.
Whew! Gary you had me scared for a minute that you were closing up shop. Not that I would ever guess you would but I'd have said the same thing about Tink a week ago too! Thanks for being you! I love reading your ramblings.
Aloha Gary,
Mr Dan and I love the silly bits about you and the Mrs in your blog.. It's a good giggle with a cuppa in the morning.
Congraddies on being a vintage Blogger.. :)
Peace kai n Md
It pays to hang in there blogging.
I notice the cooling photo above as I did the same for my hiking posts hoping it would cool me off. Works fairly well.
Jeez, Gary! You scared me, too. I thought you were leaving. Whew.
LEAVING??? I have so much bullshirt to share I have to hold myself back.....
happy blog day!
Good thing you're not leaving! How else would I procrastinate at work? Keep up the good work
when i started blogging in february (it's only been 6 months!), i looked to you as someone who knew his bloggin' stuff and those stats are really unbelievable. you go amigoooo.
Well, your pots and mugs and stuff are all great -- but, we really come here for Y-O-U!
You are DA - MAN !!! those are impressive stats and i'm glad to say, as a blogger who tends to appear and disappear at regular intervals, that it's great to read you on a regular basis - even better to call you friend!
Impressive stats! The fact that your pottery is so amazing helps.
Yay Gary!!! Keep on Posting! I'm with Gordo and Karen, I was worried, too, when I started reading the post--thought you were leaving!
Congrats! I'm glad you have a blog...I never would've found piggy without your blog :o)
Wow, a blog can run out of memory..I thought only I was capable of that. What was I just saying?
Blogger has this thing every time you post pics
"have used ____ of your memory" and at this point, this blog is 11 months old and 80 percent full....I am guessing somewhere in October I'll have to open another!!!!
And its time for another post today, yippee! Thanks for all the nice comments!!!!!!
yeah, it is sad. I had blogs that were like my old friends, and they slowly faded away until one day...."not found." Facebook is great, but it's not a blog. It's a shoutout, not a story.
Congrats on your bloggieness. Been womped in work this past week, but have two posts saved up -- thank goodness.
That's a lot of pot! I mean, pots!
Congrats Gary. You have reached some amazing milestones. I am happy to say I have enjoyed every post. Rock On!
Congrats to you.. your content is always great. You never seem to run dry. You creative types. :) Good going!
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