Well, she almost did.
lemme explain.
As you know, Carrie is one of my pals going back a LONG time. 6th gade, when we were something like 11 years old. She lives down the street and came over today to sew with the missus. I was cutting the lawn when she arrived, and watched in horror as her unattended parked car rolled down our driveway and into the fence, which, you know, was kinda, um, well, it WOULD have been flattened maybe, except my flamingos were there. I SWEAR I am not making this up: the flamingos acted like a bumper between her car and the fence. Although slightly dinged (they were free), the flamingos SAVED THE FENCE FROM BEING FLATTENED by Carries car. Then they made a skirt:) The missus and Carrie made the skirt.
And Carrie suggests this rather hilarious video, please watch Garfunckel and Oates!
eek! I'm glad the flamingos survived. :)
The flamingos saved the day. They are superheros. Can't the girls sew them up some capes now???
Ok...so I have to ask..where IS this Charter house that you always speak of. I sort of looked for it downtown when I was there, just popped into my head...just curious. Jen
And now we know why the flamingos made it home :) Three cheers for the pink ones!
With apologies to the flamingoes:
This brought a smile to my face this morning -- before coffee!
"puffy painted hummingbird turtleneck" Bwahahaha
Um, was that "PresentFace" vid posted for anyone in particular? (I ask 'cause I had this great reindeer turtlneck to put under someone's tree and now I guess I'll have to take it back...)
Wow! You have super hero Flamingos!
Yes, I agree, they need super hero capes! So glad they saved your fence and survived! :)
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