One of those things that seems to happen so often these days, but I get the email back in the spring
"GARY! We want to come visit" and I am like
"You live hundreds of miles away don't you?"
"Yeah, I wanna visit some of the people who read my blog!"
and so I say
"That's cool"
"So, me, my husband, and my four boys could drive up. Maybe my youngest son could give the wheel a try?"
and I am like
"Sounds OK, to me, but you have GOTTA go to Niagara Falls too if you're coming all the way up to New York" and she is like
"Good point. The kids have camp and such until mid-August" and I counter
"In late August students return to town and the place is packed"
So, we agree on this quiet weekend between the end of KC's kids' various summer things and just before Ithaca goes mad once again with 26,000 students.
KC has been blogging a long time and commenting at my blog a long time too. I have met dozens of bloggers over the last 3 years, but this is the first time somebody drove hundreds of miles with a car full of kids to do so. The first blogger to visit me was CM 3 years ago. She is a secret blogger from Canada, cousin of Celeste (who comments here too, that party animal) and CM is the absolute best person. We didn't know that before we met her. We wondered, of course, if she was an axe murderer, and obviously she is not, and then CM introduced us to Celeste and then....anyway. So, lots of bloggers have come here or we have met them somehow, and its a pretty cool world, isn't it?
SO, back to KC. The van arrives yesterday afternoon and like the little VW at the circus with a million clowns getting out of it, one son after another is getting out of the van, and here they are--and this is the friendliest and most polite, and outgoing bunch you have met. They come in, and its a hot day and my kiln is on, so its over 100 degrees in the studio, and I do the demo, and the youngest tries it, and then another boy sez he'll try, and before you know, EVERYBODY tries the wheel and makes a cute little candy dish. Yes, even KC's husband, who is an army officer and Iraq War veteran. Turns out he had tried pottery in high school, and remembered it a bit--go DAD!
Then they were off to climb gorges and today Niagara.....
Isn't it fun to be on the tourist trail! I hope they all had a good time.
A good time is always had at the purple house.
Sis wondered the same about you and the Missus. ;-)
kc's are the coolest!
I need to make the trek to Ithaca next.
How fun! I love KC.
Before I even read the title I looked at the first pic and thought it looked like one of KC's boys.
This blew me away! KC has been traveling avout! So neat to see she got a visit in with you!
Wow, there's enough of them to make up a sunshine band.
Gary, we had SO MUCH FUN at your place! And not just because you sent my boys away each with a GR original mug AND SuperDad was gifted with a 6-pack of Guinness--and I got a pair of piggy corkers... possibly because we are piggies with Gary's time & clay?? (I hope not!)
Those boys hand-carried those mugs in the car for the next 2 days, making sure they were safe. I'll blog it SOON (camera battery is "exhausted" and needs to be recharged before I can upload the pics onto the computer).
Oh KC.. you were so close and yet so far.. one little hop over the border and another shortish drive.. sigh. It sounds like you all had a great time. I'm so happy you got together.
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