My pal Christi calls and she is like
"my 16 year old niece is in town and she is very arty, can we come over?"
And I am like
Christi is a painter and illustrator who is one of our very best pals and she messes around here with clay sometimes and gives us eggs from her chickens and cards and pictures.
Her niece had a little experience with clay before, and WOW! Just like Christi, she learns super fast, and threw 2 bowls on the wheel. Christi made a wee little turtle to go into one, and a wee little octopus to go into the other!
Gosh how my girls would love to spend a day with you and your clay. What fun. How nice you are to share. :)
We really must come visit you, Gary! ;)
i guess you know you've finally made it as a potter when girls call you and ask to come over to play in the clay
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