(Me and the treasury secretary)
So I'm at the grocery store and watching the checker (man, how many times have you been charged TWICE for the tomatoes, or when the beers are on sale but she rings it up at the regular price OR one time, I got home and checked the slip, and she hadn't charged the dog food and cat litter, worth 20 bucks? You gotta concentrate on those people, I DO!) and this dude and his lady start talking to me about Timothy Geithner, and I am so shocked, I just look at him uncomprehendingly, then go back to watching the checker (she was careful) and I never said a thing. The dude probably thought I was dumb, or unfriendly, but at first I didn't realize who Timothy Geithner is.
I come home, remembering of course who he is, and the pics show, YES, the dude looks like me. I, however, am no financial genius. I suppose the question is, is he a financial genius? He better be.
Two years ago I was in a large, big-box, hardware store and the girl was having problems with ringing something up for the customer in front of me. When it came my turn. She charged me 4.99 for something of his - but DID NOT charge me for the $100.00 air purifier that I had on the counter!
I do look for her, when it comes time to check out! ;)
I know you have at least one other double out there. I was having breakfast at the bagel place down the street not long after you and Maude married and there was this man at the next table. He looked so much like you I did a double take. But you and the Missus were in Chicago. It's not impossible that he could have been a relation. Didn't your Dad and his family live in this neighborhood once? Maybe I ran into a distant cousin.
I love your 'flying' pig, Gary... ;)
I bet there's no pics of Tim Geithner in the tub with a kickass tattoo, though!
Geithner probably couldn't make a pot to save his life!
I love that piggy bank.
I hope Geitner pays as much attention to how our money as tax payers is spent as you do for your own.
Geithner's also a politician. 'nuff said.
Timothy Geithner looks too serious (as he ought to)!
You have much more fun at your job!
And Cheri's comment is perfect classiness!
Oh No.. Gary have some camomille tea before going to bed at night.
You're way better looking than he is. Not even close!
he really does look like you but in a couple years you're gonna look a lot younger
But can Tim Geithner make pottery pigs, dogs and giraffes? I don't think so.
You are way better than he.
Hey Gary,
Werner and I noticed the remarkable resemblance a while ago... The things is, the guy even sounds like you: quiet, cool, laid back... You could be twins separated at birth... He got the math skills and you got the art skills... Just sayin'...
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