If things have settled down slightly, no longer wondering what its like to get a tat and all, my dreams have settled too. All I can remember from last night is ZZZZZs.
So there I am at the stove brewing the coffee, and I think "HAIKU". I wrote 3 for this morning. Not bad for STINKING five am.
Wee little tattoo,
Star and M in red and blue,
Oh how I love you.
Small beagle standing
on my chest at 5, early.
Me? Up and at 'em.
Tasty Mexican
Food hastily devoured,
Tums before bedtime.
Happy Friday ya'll!
Refrigerator has 5 syllables and is therefore useful in a haiku emergency.
You're welcome!
slowly awaken
husband has to go to work
five is too early
PS: Lovely glazing on that pot!
I also like that glaze AND the Penny haiku. ;-)
so do i!
dude, who knew you could be so creative so early.
You had a good day at the Gallery too- a teapot, 2 cups, and that bottle vase that you had the glaze surprise with!
Wavy blue bottle
From the tattooed potter's hands
Totally kickass
lovey dovey cookie, yes!
gentle burp, smile.
Thanks all!
Tattoo is awesome
Pots are phenomenal too
Gary's my hero
Have an awesome phenomenal day! I'm off to the studio for the day.
Now that you're a bad-a$$ed tattoo boy, I am not sure how to talk to you - lol...Rock on, brother!
Oh... just for fun:
"When I was five years old I was on a merry go round. There was a gunshot nearby. The horses stampeded. There I was, running down the street on a purple wooden horse."
Happy Friday!
Beautiful blue vase! Love it! And the last Haiku - LMAO - priceless!
Even pottery rabbits multiply.
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