So last night I dreamt I was in my first year of law school. I had everything plotted out. Finish law school, then, and I am not kidding here, easily win a senate seat in Minnesota for one term. Anybody can win office in Minnesota, even a potter masquerading as a politician, I bet. I also knew, in my dream, that I would never be re-elected as some other nutbar would likely come along wanting to be senator from Minnesota and would unseat me. But I looked at it this way--gain office, coast for 6 years, then RETIRE. Do you realize that ex-senators receive these huge pensions for life? Or at least I think that's the case.
All I need to do is move to Minnesota, start law school and win election to the senate then I have a guarenteed income for life.....what a dream.

(cute little vases by Gary Rith)
People live that dream in Belgium Gary.
Recently a local ex-judo coach gained massive numbers of votes when launching a right-wing political party,
while a clueless overweight (but suddenly skinny ofter a partial stomach removal) female singer
( became a Belgian senator for the oldest conservative party in Belgium.
Hey, if all that can be done in this silly country-by-the-sea, your dream sure can be realized in the US :-)
But of course, this means you would have to move to Minnesota.
Where there is snow - lots of S N O W!!!
Hummm - Do they ever have summer there??? lol
I'm pretty sure that Minnesota is the perfect place to carry out that plan. Those people will vote for anybody. Nothing personal in that comment, of course.
Ah dreams, I could retire on the salary let alone the pension. Your last post is hilarious, I knew you were getting crazier all the time. Hey Gary, if you have time, please stop in at Critique My Pot I could use some constructive criticism.
Those vases are gorgeous.... but about being a Minnesota senator... love the idea! Why not? I think you'd be fantastic. Is the hamster going with you?
Those vases are beautiful! Love the glaze.
One time I'll write something about dreams - I'll keep you posted when it happens :)
Bytheway, I like the blowing up balloons method!
Gary, could you please tell me a brand of clay, soft enough for people that have carpel tunnel? I'm taking a workshop in sculpture next week - and I don't have any idea what to buy - thanks so much for writing me a comment about that!
Gary what do you eat before bed? Seriously!?! Your dreams never seem to bore. would have to talk to Laguna clay about that J StG....oh heck what were we talking about???
Hi Gary,
Thanks for writing me back! I think I'll get my hubby to wet down the clay for me - he's a carpenter, so he has very strong hands!! He was worried that I'm even taking that workshop - I told him that I was just gonna play, and not push it :)
Oh, stop with the pictures, aready! You have me drooling all over the place and fighting such terrible "I wants'! I'll be forced to rent another apartment shortly to house my "Riths"! Love the little vase on the right. The color mix is perfect!
D'you think, maybe I'm highly suggestible?
I wuv you ML....
ML is right: the color mix in those glazes...YOWZA!!
My dh put me on a budget.
Quit showing cute stuff already, Gary! I'm saving my funds I earn from Root & Sprout for my Wi-Fi card for Macxine.... do taint and taunt us with all your pretty pots....
I guess it's because you are so creative...oh, that reminds me...
YOU have an AWARD at MY PLACE!
Happy Time Change!
Yours would be a voice of sanity here in Minnesota, and you'd have my vote. I dreamed that I was dangled above a lion's den, then I fell in, and then I woke up. Maybe that is akin to politics. :)
Oh, and Minnesota is actually one of the more extreme places to live on the planet. We have times in January of -20F or less and times in July of over 100F. Our humidity can vary as severely as well. A good heavy thunder storm can be a mere hour away on a perfectly sunny day. The only person who is consistently wrong about the weather is the local news forecast. The farmers are usually better by necessity (try to put up dry hay around here!) But, it sounds more horrible than it really is.
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