I am certainly no millionaire, and I work seven days a week, but there are times when you set out to walk the dogs and it is super BREEZY and you grab your little kite, not the big one this time, and go with the dogs and the missus over to the park and you FLY THAT KITE. Then you come home and have some peanut butter chocolate cookies and more COFFEE before settling in to clean the cat box, wash the missus' laundry and then finally actually do some work.....
(Gary Rith and Buster at the park on a super windy day)
Yay! When the weather turns nice, I normally keep my kite (a Flexifoil Buzz...love it!) in the car for emergency kite flying. It's best not to be caught without it when the situation arises.
BE PREPARED amigo...
i'm way overdue for flying a kite.
it's so nice to see buster. he seems to be doing okay.
Nice. You appear to have far better luck than Charlie Brown.
No tree-eating kites for you! Gary, you have a very sweet life :-)
Mary Poppins was right.
Back when my kids were little we used to go out to the Bible Camp at the end of March and fly kites in the big field there.
Thank you for bringing back so many precious memories.
Farmer, Jr. was just asking about a kite on Monday. Heaven knows we have enough wind. If we let it go, it'd probably end up in you're or Lis' back yard by tomorrow morning! LOL!
Now that song is in my head, "Let's go fly a kite...
so you're not a millionaire? Gosh, I thought you were. :) I've decided if I win the lottery I'll give some to all of my pottery blog friends. Guess, I gotta start playing! Charlie Brown is one of my favorites too.
What great fun.
Ah, Gary. But you are far richer than any millionaire! ;)
I reckon there's a good few ex-millionaires around who wish they'd been flying kites rather than fiddling stocks. One of the most civilized occupations going, Gary, and I'm glad you had such wonderful kite-flying weather for it.
It was nice, warmed up to mid 40's, but foggy here yesterday. Today, sunny, and -5 with a -25 wind chill.
I'll take foggy.
I can't believe you have no snow left! Of course, I now have that song stuck in my head, but that's okay.
fun fun fun
Looks like a good time! :D
Good heavens! I just went back to age about 12 and was happily flying my very own home-made kite made from some sticks and glued on newspapers, with torn bedsheets for tail. More fun than anything in the world! And I do hope everyone read (or saw, or both) "The Kite Chaser"? A wonderful read.
B's valiant attempt to ask me out the first time was a vague "Maybe we could go kite-flying some day." Fortunately I took the bull by the horns and suggested something else that was going on that very weekend. We still haven't gotten around to the kite-flying.
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