I slept very deeply, but holy cats! Dream number one had me in some type of deep sea one-man submersible going down 3000 feet and there was some malign sucking power trying to pull my little submarine down the drain. Probably to be eaten by deep sea monsters. Dream 3 had me in a college class about to write a paper on Van Gogh but the book I needed had been checked out and crapola, how could I finish and turn in the paper when the book was being kept by a snotty witch writing her own paper? Dream two was more disturbing than those. In that one me and the missus arrive at a repair garage and the mechanic has just finished murdering somebody and stuffing the body into a large barrel full of oil and while we watch, captive, begins eliminating fingerprints and other evidence….
(teaset by Gary Rith)
I'm sure of the meaning of #1's malign sucking power, and that would be the economy. #2 was the general fear of the outside world, and #3 is normal performance anxiety.
But, wow, three anxiety dreams with different fears all in one night!
What in the heck do you eat before bed?!
*Jerry - we've all asked that question ourselves...lol
We succumbed to the idea that he's just a crazy potter! lol
Glad you're computer is back up, Gary - I know it makes you very upset when that happens! ;) Have a fantastic day!
gary... like the circle within a circle teapot
I sure am glad you gave us that groovy teaset to distract us from the scariness of your dream mechanic.
Are you breathing some crazy clay fumes? lol - Gary... only you!
First of all, don't eat just before going to bed.
And, don't stop at any repair garages that looks like the one in your dream! Stay safe. :)
well, I don't eat anything before bed actually, just dinner between 5-6, and most of my dreams are entertaining and I would say my awake self isn't particularly worried about anything....but the question is, should I be?
I love the groovy tea set, especially those round handles.
Good lord Gary - those are some awful dreams! I can't imagine you woke up feeling very rested. I think this calls for a nap with Penny.
I should probably not be watching Little Britain clips before bedtime, that must be it....
That is my favorite color blue in the world--it's gorgeous.
What in the world do you eat before you go to bed?
Your dreams are somethin' else - maybe that's why you can throw yourself during the day with passion into pottery, to forget your dreams!
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