(Fall Creek Gorge at Cornell Univ)
So I crawl into bed, exhausted at 7 something and move the dog off my pillow onto Missus Tastycake's pillow and before long, as you can imagine, I am wide awake. Missus Tastycake has long since moved the dog again and fallen asleep when I sneak out of bed to answer that burning question 'how much does a tattoo cost?'. On the radio they had a report saying that a third of all Americans 18-40 (HEY! only up to 40?) have tats, and you can get them at the mall now, and they, like beer, seem to be recession proof. Anyway, my late night research is not helpful, except to say that 'good tattoos aren't cheap and cheap tattoos aren't good'. Maybe I should just invest in beers instead? Guinness goes on sale this week.
So then I go to sleep, having answered THAT burning question and sleep deeply and before I awake there are police in my dreams. Turns out that Melanie from 8th grade, who had 2 bowling balls on her chest, she REALLY DID, was not really a she but a guy in disguise and the police, according to my dream, were arresting anybody who had um, messed around with her. Him. (NOT ME!!!) This was my dream, and you know what wakes me, DAMMIT? THE POLICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Two state troopers, lights aflashing at midnight, are outside my window, I kid you not. I peek out, and see that a car misssed the turn by 40 feet and plowed into my neighbor's side yard, perhaps totalling their swingset. A young woman in jeans is talking to the neighbor and the troopers. It takes an hour of something before all is quiet.
THEN I dream I am driving around in circles in Chicago and then wind up at school where it is football practice and I get to pound on every bully in the school. I make it my TERMINATOR style mission to inflict harm and pain on Ricky Sidwell and Mike Waller and the rest of the middle school sh!theads who are likely now doing time in maximum security prisons somehwere.
OK, enough about that. I woke up feeling good.
I did a video of some of the flooding we have. Fall Creek is this little river behind my house. A couple miles downstream, YEOW! Have a look at the rather terrible video below, which has a certain Blair Witch Project appeal, I think....
That's a lot of water, Gary. I do enjoy hearing and seeing the water gushing like that, but only when I'm waaaaaay above it!
Exhausted here too, with the time change. We're just getting up and moving around here.
Gary, my tat was about $40. I think. That was in 2000. It's about the size of a toonie.
Sigh. I am guessing that its one of those things: groceries or a tat?
but a tat last forever.
i think it was oscar wilde who said the best way to get rid of a temptation is to succumb to it.
dude, just do it!
You had busy busy night, didn't you?
Shell out some bucks for a good tattoo artist, or you'll be a crabby clam. I shopped around when I was looking to get my first tattoo until I found a shop and artist that I was comfortable with. I got recommendations, checked out the first shop and though it did great work, it was a total Harley biker joint, not exactly my style. The next one I went to was bright and had local art on the walls with cool mobiles above the work spaces and I felt right at home. That was the winner and I've got two kickass pieces from them.
then again, Guinness goes on sale next week....
Holy cow, Gary... that certainly doesn't look or sound like creek right now! And your dreams should be in a book ;-)
Tats have always reminded me of nasty old men at the Burlington, VT bus terminal. They were WWII ne'er-do-wells covered with disagreeable looking tats of naked women and firearms and would want to hug us little girls when we took the bus home from the YMCA. They sat outside in little groups and would try and get a conversation going with us as we waited. Even a tat on a woman with flowers or some asian lettering has sinister connotations to me and my sisters.
Try piercing. Its a relatively new body art form here in USA and no ink under the skin... thats yucky.
ps.... Our little creek is up too and the pond is almost completely thawed out.
Next video should be of you kayaking down that creek. That would be very manly. ;-)
I hate being awoken by flashing lights and police cars in my neighbor's yard! Fortunately that hasn't happened to me in about 40 years! LOL!
Dr. John sent me over here today - and I am SO glad he did because I LOVE your pottery! Too bad I live such a far far far way away from Cornell, because I really DO want to take a pottery class... and the local college doesn't even offer one. (I do think I've located a private one though!) But I absolutely LOVE the whimsy of your work! Those little elephant pots are fabulous -- and the Crabby Clam Cup!!! LOVE IT!!! Clay is just soooooo much fun!
thanks everybody and Melli! I was kinda thinking, Kim, that tat number 2 would be a hula girl on the left arm
Gary...I think a hula gal would be hot!
Whoa, that flood is awesome.
The Promptuesday story you commented on took place in Ithaca - the house we lived in was on Dryden Road East of town.
What happened after the story ends is that my husband crammed me into our Honda Civic, drove back through town and over to Tompkins County Hospital - but he took a wrong turn and instead of the short cut, ended up bouncing me over the railroad tracks.
Good times.....!
Tats are awesome, as long as you find the right person to do the tattooing!
I walked back from the kitchen to my desk going 'wow' over your new blog look. New to me anyway.
Then, luckily I was sitting down because your night life exhausted me :) A better night tonight I hope.
haha! Gary, so Blair Witch!
Sounds like you had an interesting night!
I bet you'll be able to find someone good in your community to do your tat. It seems very artsy like that. :)
Please, Gary, NOOOOOOO Tattoo!
yeah, Emily, whatever....
and YES Jessica, there is a tattoo parlor on every corner!!!!
Love the video of the creek flooding. My next post will show the effects of a creek flood in our neck of the woods.. and yes, of Benny too. Thanks for asking. :)
Holy Toledo, that is a scary video! You take us out on a suspension bridge and jiggle the camera all around. I'm not all that fond of look down from great heights. YIKES!
Impressive flooding. Hope that doesn't affect anyone downstream.
Isn't it amazing how we incorporate stuff into our dreams prior to waking up?
But on to important things: how about a tat of Guinness?!? ;)
Just over from Dr. John's Fortress and have enjoyed looking at your pottery.
My brother is a potter so I have a great interest. (I have a link to his pottery on my sidebar if you are interested)
As for tats - well - erm - some are great - some just look horrible. I prefer the artistic ones that aren't a pic of anything.
I always debated getting a tat, but went for piercings instead.
I also really like hearing about dreams - I always wonder what they mean. Last night I dreamt that I was teaching a yoga class for the first time, but now I can't remember what I was saying and I wish I could, because that would be helpful. And sometimes I can speak a different language in my dreams. Crazy.
As you are known to say, "Holy Cats!" - the photo of your kitty looks like pure art with the background... beautiful!
I thought about getting a Tat. But then I always think, 'Is that something I would want my grandchildren to see on me?' I am still tat free.
Bad thing about spring .. flooding. Rain and snow still haunting after the thought.
All your dreams are rubbing off on me. LOL.
I am always surprised at people living in other parts of the US -- something I picked up from blogging. Born in San Diego and still live here. Snow? what's that? Rain we have but not a lot. Thanks for shaping a part of your world.
Ooooh! That was scary... The bit right at the end...
I need no tattoos, as I spill paint and draw on myself or lean on freshly painted stiuff. I'm, as my mother used to say "A muck-magnet".
As for piercing... Today it was a broken drill-bit. Not decorative, but painful.
I'd just advise you to get some tattoo paper, you can get it for your inkjet printer, and have a different tat every day.
(I invented tattoo transfer paper some time ago, in my head, whilst idly musing, and was deeply hurt to find it already existed and was for sale in my local computer store.)
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