(crabby clams by Gary Rith)
Gawd, last night I see my buddy RON has put up yet another outstanding video, then one of my students last night says 'hey, post more videos, I love your videos!' and then my buddy Lynda emails to say she needs MORE crabby clams. OK. Here tis, pardon the sniffly nose, it was 18 degrees outside, 53 degrees INSIDE my studio and then again, its hard to see exactly what I am doing (I HAVE MY SECRETS).
Wow. And he's even got "Rock Lobster" playing in the background while making his clams. Very nice.
;) smarter than I look, I'm sure....
the video cut off just a second before Fred says 'a giant clam!!!'
I was wondering how you made those. 18 outside? gosh, it's cold here too- 41 as a HIGH today. :( Good pottery making weather.
Nice one. Thanks for the link too!
I think you used that lighting just so we couldn't really see what you were doing. ha!
I agree with kc! I kept tilting my screen back and forth ;-)
Hey, Gary, I know Crabby Clams are iconic, but what about a few Happy Clams? To go with the saying happy as a clam?
if God wanted me to make happy clams, He wouldn't have named them CLAMS which sounds so good with CRABBY, and yes, who says I really want anybody to see what exactly I am doing ? ;)
Crabby Clams, The Movie! Love it!
Gary... sometimes I think of you as the Keith Haring (might be mispelled) of pottery. Or the Jim Henson of clay... or the Duke Ellington of the wheel...
oh my, high praise indeed--I don't mind being compared to those guys!
what's with the poor lightening? are the sniffles making you crabby?
It was fun watching you work even if it was to dark to really see what you did and one couldn't really see the end product. Yet the way you worked indicated the ability you have and how comfortable you are with the clay.
wow... it's like watching a surgeon or a magician, certainty of action, no hesitation and of course... slight of hand
Good video. :)
Fun to listen and watch but NOT very 'enlightening'? I think KC spoke for all of us. Brat!
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