(Gary Rith and his pet dogs Petey and Jack and pet wooly bear catepillar named Bushy)
Waiting for the wash to finish. You probably don't have this problem: the kiln is next to the clothes washer. The washer shimmies and shakes when it agitates. I can't fire the kiln until the washer finishes. 2 minutes left.
lol @ Bushy ;-)
Tres bushy. You shoulda seen the thing before I shaved it off in 2003. I'll find a pic.....
(I looked like Tom Selleck's little brother from 1993-2003!)
We don't have a kiln, I am sorry to report. So although I can't completely empathize with your laundry-pottery woes, I do know what it's like to grow a caterpillar above my upper lip. And above my eyes. I'm incredibly hairy for a woman. And that's pretty much all you need to know about me, for a first blog comment. :-)
Hey GR! I pimped ya' at my place and you are my GiveAway this week! Oh, well, not you. The Missus might not like that -- but some bunnies! ;-)
i thought i saw you on tv while waiting in line at the bank and then i realized it was geitner again, then it came to me... if he'd just bite the bullet and grow that 'stache his credibility would go through the roof
Hey. Where did you get this photo of Tom Selleck? It was a good look on you!
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