(pots by Gary Rith)
So I spend the morning, after walking the dogs and a wee little snack and some blogging and reading other blogs and emails and watching music videos, so as I say I spend the morning fiddling with this teapot and I am so excited. I wanted to put a bird atop it, but I was thinking of elephants, beagles, punk dogs etc. When I walk the dog these days? I am surrounded by Cardinals! When I look out at first light, at the bird feeder, Cardinals! Go to the park, CARDINALS!!!! HOPPING ON THE FENCE OUTSIDE THE STUDIO WINDOW, Cardinals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, this bird or ducklike thing is Cardinalish. Not really. But it is certainly inspired by Cardinals, and other birds. Not sure what color is will be, but tres cute, no?
Hey Gary - Did you know that the cardinal has the record for popularity as a state bird? Yep, it holds that title in seven states. So, you have a huge built-in target audience for your piece! (In terms of color, must be red for cardinals!)
I love cardinals. There's a pair of them that frequent our back yard, especially in the spring and he likes to sit in the cedars and sing.
It's funny to see and hear them all over the place, now. They certainly weren't here 20 years ago.
Awww, I think it looks adorable. I'd still paint it red! I love cardinals too.
Hey Gary - was at the Sea Hag gallery/experience in PA yesterday. Saw some of your pottery there, vey nice pieces. Its a great place, isnt it
gary... the cardinal fans here in louisville where they are the no. 1 seed this year might snarf up cardinal pots like hotcakes
That bird looks like a Disney animation of a parrot.
One can't help but exclaim, 'That Gary! He's surely one talented potting bunny! Then hasten to add, 'In a manly way, of course.'
I need one of these.
The cardinal is the mascot at Wesleyan University.
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