My buddy Lynda sez 'hey, play with your pics on PICNIK!' YOWZA! Play indeed! Tis a free program for fiddling with your pics.
OK, so Guinness? Its good for ya. Heart researchers say so:
" A University of Wisconsin study last fall found that moderate consumption of Guinness worked like aspirin to prevent clots that increase the risk of heart attacks.
In the study, Guinness proved twice as effective as Heineken at preventing blood clots. Guinness is loaded with flavonoids, antioxidants that give the dark color to many fruits and vegetables.
These antioxidants are better than vitamins C and E, the study found, at keeping bad LDL cholesterol from clogging arteries."
AMEN to that and Happy St Pats.
Woohooo, Gary - looks like the missus is loving your photo! It's big fun, isn't it??
Happy St. Pats, Gary and Maude!
Isn't there a good brew pub downtown in Ithaca, I seem to remember....?
I'll drink to that!
hallelujah! and slainte! guiness makes the world go round
I am laughing out loud, thx.
One good pub? DOZENS!
No surprise that this study came out of the U of W. Lots of German folk settled there in Wisconsin. :)
Of course, Guinness is an Irish beer...
I didn't have any of my hubby's Guinness last night. I'm still coughing away.
I'll have to forward that link to him! He's a red wine fan, too.
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