(Penny, Spokesmodel for the Regular Guy)
Been awhile since the Regular Guy (me) has done a beer review. I was at the beer store last week getting a monstrous case of Guinness (its March you know) and I asked the rather nice family who own the beer store if Guinness was going on sale and YES it is, Saturday the 14th. So I promised to come back, obviously, and grabbed some treats off the shelves to tide me over.
My pal KC told me that when going with the decaf, or the fake beers, which sometimes you want to have 'cause you're driving or simply because you are, like me, a total lightweight and one or 2 drinks is enough. So, KC told me that O'Doul's Amber, by Bud, was good, and I have tried many, and oh my. She is right. It is a good beer, just happens to be fake. A+ for this guy in its category.
But then I had the Southern Tier Porter. I read recently that dark beers are twice as good for your heart as light colored beers, and I am sold---dark beers it shall be. I havn't had a porter in awhile, but they are dark--if I remember correctly, not a stout but just an extra-dark brown, and I love brown ales. Porters, from what I understand, were a robust style developed and brewed for the muscular and hard working----PORTERS! The guy who can pick up your 300 pound steamer trunk!
Anyway, Southern Tier is a local NY beer and they're all good from this company, and this porter is magnificent. Chocolatey, not burnt tasting like some stouts, foamy and the Regular Guy gives it an A+.
Nice to know about that good fake beer---I get that formy dad when he visits, as he cannot drink when taking certain medication, but likes the taste of a noice cold one!! (Who doesn't??)
Dark beer, done well, is the best kind. I have a Black Sheep Riggwelter in my glass right now and a Greene King IPA earlier. Excellent stuff.
ah... biere, what would life be without it, and it's vegetarian to boot. i'm with gordo, give me and IPA or and APA anytime, the hoppier the better
I had some friends in college who were experimenting with home brew. They made an excellent batch of dark beer (can't recall if it was a stout or a porter) -- chocolatey with the after-taste of coffee! Oh my, it was good. Nice foamy head, too (sounds like the Southern Tier Porter you had tonight, Gary).
So one night I am sipping a tall glass of this heavenly stuff and one of my roommates comes home. She thinks it is root beer and asks for a sip. Ha!! Fortunately for me but unfortunately for her, she did not appreciate a good dark beer.
Yep, O'Douls Amber is a good "unleaded" version. My dh hasn't yet found one he likes better.
Now I wonder if Guinness is going on sale here, too? He likes his Guinness...
I must be really thirsty...I just looked at the ST website and I am wanting a tour. Just park me at the pub afterwards!
"Raspberry Porter is lightly Hopped with the choicest Pacific Northwest grown hops." Those PNW grown hops? I know exactly where they are grown! Driven by them many times.
Goodness, I'm homesick tonight! Better go look at my ocean picture again...
I like dark beer best too. Can you get black hook in your neck of the woods? It is really good.
black hook????????? probably from red hook?
You may have all the pale beers ever brewed, just turn me loose with an ample supply of a good 'dark'brew I can get my teeth into and really chew on and I'm a happy girl.
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