Friday, October 16, 2009

snow snow snow

So, you can see we got up to 3 inches of snow overnight, although no snow under some trees. Sure, its pretty and will melt soon, but I would be happy if it was 70 for the rest of the winter. But you know, we don't have any cottonmouths or alligators, just fluffy little bunnies, and I am GRATEFUL about that.
So, we walked over to the pak this am, and you can see me and the dogs on the bridge overlooking Fall Creek and back of our house.


Nick said...

Hey, if you want 70+ degrees all year round you should move to PR! :-)

Anonymous said...

sure is picturesque but seems a bit early to me. it's cold and rainy here and it seems a bit early here too. i feel better knowing that global climate change is only a hoax.

cm said...

This is the first winter I've wished for no snow, because I don't want to have to put my bike away.

DirtKicker Pottery said...


Anonymous said...

It looks very pretty, but I will be happy with a snowless winter ;o)

Busy Bee Suz said...

This is really pretty Gary. Glad to see the dogs don't mind getting their feet cold.
We have a cold front coming in this weekend will be a high of 75 on sunday. JUST complaints here...but the gators, they hate the cold weather. :)

Barbara Martin said...

It felt like snow here the other day, just cold and windy. Sunny today with a bit of chill. And here you have the white stuff. I prefer bunnies, too, though Ontario has it's own Massaauga Rattlesnake which might even make it down your way. It's not that far across the wee lake Ontario.

Susan as Herself said...

Oh my gosh! Seems so early for snow... thankfully none here----YET!!!! But soon...

Prohomemaker.Com said...

Oh my gosh, snow!?! ... Just checked and it's 88 here now (I guess last burst of summer) but thankfully it cools off rather quickly at night. Beautiful photos, Gary

Hilary said...

Beautiful photos, Gary. Even if it is of the S word!