(Red Squirrel on a bowl)
I roll out of bed thinking "Led Zeppelin is the BEST rock and roll band ever"
but I ask the missus
"what tee should I wear today? Gonna teach a class, gonna get my pic taken, you know how it is...." and she is like
"VAN HALEN tee...." and I am like
"OH YEAH! ROCK ON!" and this is playing and she is looking at Diamond Dave's TIGHTS and his PACKAGE and fluffy boots and she is like
"that's a little much for early morning...."
\m/ rock on.....
Oh my... M is right.. this is too much for me at 7:30am.. althought the fluffy boots are over-the-top cool. :)
led zeppelin is the best rock and roll band ever, especially the 1st two albums or as they say now, CD's, or mp3's or whatever it is now. never very much into van halen, i was getting older but always willing to concede that eddie can really play the hell out of a guitar.
Oh man. Funny how now we see how cheesy Diamond Dave was. Also, even Lindsay Lohan is better at lip syncing than Dave. ;-)
Not sure if there ever was an appropriate time of day for DLR.
Yeah. It's 4:22. I still don't want to see the package.
I like how the missus thinks! (And I can't look... I'll just listen, because DLR kind of creeps me out)
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