Chapter 3, lesson whatever: if it moves, blog it!
I am sitting there with the mug of tea, sick as a dog, and Spike, that rebel cat, is quick as you can atop the fridge--NO he is not allowed up there, but anyway, he opens the cupboard and goes in. The door closes behind him. I open the cabinet door and you can see he is fingering the can of friskies up there, rotten little cat... :)
Rotten? yes. Adorable? YES!
Hope you feel better soon.
Feel better G! The blog world is too quiet without you. ;-)
Oh no, you're sick too! Such a shame. Take car and tell that kitty to take care of you!
That Spike is a smart one!
so sorry you are under the weather :o( I think the cat senses your weakened state and was taking advantage of the situation... smart kitty, maybe tell Spike if he gets up there again, you'll take him for a car ride like Penny (unless Spike likes car rides?!)!!
I think Spike WAS taking advantage of the situation :)
old mother hubbard's cat went to the cupboard to fetch her poor self some friskies, the cupboard was there but maybe she was looking for those 3 bottles of vino... hope you feel better amigo
Feeling like crap and still blogging! You're an animal Gary!... An animal with an adorable cat, I might add.
Aw, I miss having cats!
Spike is up there thinking of more lies to tell you.
Rotten LITTLE cat?!?!? I think you might be hallucinating, Gary! LOL
Feel better soon...
And just where was Emily during all of this? Groooming herself in readiness for another photography session? Or maybe merely relaxing quietly until the next meal appears? Amazing what a thoroughly relaxed group you have there. Animal Life in the Purple House of Rith!"
I got the biggest kick out that top photo that's nothing but the guilty as heck tail of one cat who's where he doesn't belong.
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