(pottery by Gary Rith---no wee little animales here!)
First of all, let me say: I am NOT a fan. I don't know much about Madonna, except for the DESPERATELY SEEKING SUSAN thing. And A-Rod.
But I woke up with this tune bubbling through my head, probably from listening to the Ultimate 80s music show on the radio, and well, its catchy. I had never really listened to it, and what a fantastic video!

I must admit, I am a fan!
I do love me some Madonna!!! This is one of her best songs and videos too...it is catchy.
Great vases Gary!
God I freaking loved Desperately Seeking Susan. And Who's That Girl. I must have seen that movie 200 times. I love her. I can't help myself.
I did like DSS!
I lived in a duplex where the bottom apartment was occupied by a guy who loved Madonna, and would play "Lucky Star" over and over and over and it would come through the heating vents and drive me crazy.
Love "CLASSIC" Madonna!! This one is my favorite! "You Can Dance"
I like her earlier stuff but I haven't listened to her much in the past decade.
Just watched the video and yup, it was pretty good.
I'm not a Madonna fan either. I did like her earlier music, not necessarily her videos. My daughter's ballet/dance teacher would use her music for recital; "Like a Virgin", for 8yr old kids! Liked Desparately Watching Susan. Didn't see Who's That Girl.
This song... well, It has a catchy beat and you can dance to it. (For those of you who remember "American Bandstand." :)
Gary that pottery is GORGEOUS!
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