Point number one-blogs are not disappearing, but alot of bloggers I like have stopped. Some mess around with facebook, which has advantages---it is easier for the quick read and the quick comment. Which leads me to number 2.
Point number 2-Commenting should be easy, and on facebook it is. But dang, have some of you bloggers noticed how many hoops you have to jump through to comment? Um, are there really that many Russian spammers? I have had my share of Russian spammers, but I would suggest bloggers make it as easy as possible comment.
Point number 3-I do not want to be a boring blogger. But in 3 years and one month I have posted nearly 5000 times, and will soon use up all the memory alloted for blog number two (then I will open another). My advice to bloggers: TELL ALL. Go for it! And add pics! People around me are used to the fact that I will politely ask if I can blog pics of them doing utterly ordinary things with me with brings us to point 4
Point 4--If you know David Sederis, my hero, you realize he can take the ordinary and make it hilarious. He never does ANYTHING, yet he is the funniest writer out there. That is my goal. I deon't want to be a blogger who does interesting things and is a boring writer. I want to do nothing but be funny.
Point 5--even though I am a well known smart azz who tells nobody to take me seriously, unless I am goofing on REPUBLICANS and CONSERVATIVES, never take me seriously or pay any attention to what I say.
I have had my say about blogging. Spike the cat helped and Penny the beagle kept my feet warm.
I think you're great! And funny. Good job!
I haven't had any Russian spammers yet.
Cue the Russian spammers...
Heck yeah, If I had a bunch of Russian Spammers on my blog, I'd feel honored. It would be more traffic. Maybe it would drive up my Add Sense Revenue, and I could make some money at it.
Amen, brother. I haven't had Russian spammers, but I have had Japanese porn spammers, which makes me concerned for the wellbeing of my computer. I only put the word verification on to save my wallet. Sorry guys. I'm poor. Can't afford a new computer.
I never take you seriously, unless you send me a serious-tone email. Then I think twice about if you're being serious or not. ;)
This blogging lark isn't as easy as it looks, but you do a fantastic job.
Too bad you don't want us to pay attention to what you say.. it was beginning to make sense. ;)
I take you totally seriously at all times. Just like everyone should take me totally seriously at all times. LOL ;-)
Some people use pretty fancy comment options. They can be a real pain. Why make it hard for people to comment? Same with truncating posts in reader. Make it easier on your readers and let them read in reader and then come over and comment people!
I've never had word verification or anything like that. Only rarely get spam in comments. It's not that big of a deal.
I was so guilty of falling off blogging last week, but I was chairman of our 12th annual Hollywood Underground Dinner and was too busy coordinating banquet managers (and hauling 53 pounds of apples to North Hollywood). But I semi-hopped back on today with a revamp post and plan on more.
And, for some reason, the Russians invaded me for the past week!
I never get spam either - now watch I probably jinxed myself. Hey is this a serious post about not being serious?
Spam is made in Russia? really?
I don't like facebook. I don't usually post anything on facebook. I keep all my fun stuff and pics for blogger.
I dont ask for anyone to jump through fire rings or hoops. Do I?
you, my friend, are the best blogger i know and i'm not just saying that because you are my friend.
Facebook had been really hinkie lately and it just gets you mad but your blog is never hinkie and always entertaining... like the nun dream in the next post. i blogged about not blogging today too and i absolutely love david sedaris, i've read all his books except the last, i'm waiting for it to be in paperback.
I didn't realize you were a David Sedaris fan - I LOVE his books - lol... they make me spew coffee (or whatever I am drinking) and laugh right out loud.
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