(does the beagle on the pottery look familiar???? Beagle pots by Gary Rith)
So, you know, at 3am Penny is sleeping next to me but is kinda queasy and gakking a bit, but she goes back to sleep (something she ate off the sidewalk no doubt) and I go deep into a dream where _______ (to protect the innocent) is a nun taking a bath, fully dressed, and I am the convent janitor scrubbing the bathroom where she is bathing, except I am NOT fully dressed, nekkid as it were, scrubbing the nuns bathroom, and frankly, the nun has this pleased sparkle in her eye as she sees me full frontal and tells me she LIKES WHAT SHE SEES but I manage to get a towel on and help this nun to ESCAPE (there are bars--this is like a nun prison) and we escape to a restaurant I know and enlist the help of certain powerful mobsters I know except that as we leave the restaurant down the back stair, some OTHER NUN connected mobsters are looking for us and we are trying to be sneaky but we are seen going out the back door, keep in mind I am still in my towel, and as she and I run down the street being chased by various gunmen we run into the middle of a movie set and I am hopeful we will get some help and....
remember Penny and her belly? I am awakened by my beagle next to me in bed starting to gak again and I shove her to the floor where she vomits up a rainbow of smelly ___?
Dreaming about nuns- it is either time to make nudes or Penguins!
Or nude penguins!
lol Gary... only YOU would clean a nun's bathroom in the all-together and then complain about your own place to clean. Maybe SOMEBODY should dress up like Mother Tastycakes and "inspire" you? But poor Penny... you hate when your pups sick and hate cleaning it up.
Thanks for a fun start to the day!
That's what I call a strange dream! Poor Penny, but better out than in, as my father used to say... ;-)
i've said it before and i'll say it again...you have the best, craziest, most bizarre, vivid dreams of anyone i know. i always love hearing about them. we need to find you an expert dream interpreter. personally, i think this dream is telling you to be a nun this halloween.
hahahahha....wasn't that a scene from sister act??? your cups are looking very matisse like now....!cool.
As I was reading that... I was starting to wonder if this was going to be nun porn............. thanks for cleaning it up. :)
I dig the woofer cups. Penny is now even more famous than before.
Dude. Lay off the brownies before bed.
Good grief, Gary. What do you eat before bed?
All I can say is, I'm convulsed with laughter and will probably stay this way all day, or every time my mind sends another snapshot of the altogether Gary scrubbing the nuns' baths. Such a contrast! Boggles the mind and causes great glee. Dream on, Gary, dream on. And would we call that a rather 'Gar'ish dream?
Fantastic dream.
And if you made a nun mug I would buy at least one.
HAHAHA! What a wonderful dream. I love that you were in a nun prison!!
Of course you were cleaning in your dream after your big clean up day. Endless day and night of cleaning.
I should share this with my aunt the nun, get her take on it.
Yeah Denis... lay off them brownies!
You're not anxious about something, are you?
What a way for a crazy dream to end! Animals know how to bring a people back to reality fast.
I have 2 cats in my bed, just like the old days. Lord Help Us if they ever start to heave up furballs or anything else in the bed! (Mimi has been known to gak on the bathroom doorsill, tho.)
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