Penny and pottery by Gary Rith)
I had a bunch of these little fingerling vases made so that there could be a nice cheap item for sale duing the open studios the next 2 weeks and then I got to thinking they would be even MORE fun with doodles on them, like beagles...or cows....or ME. Then I started thinking
"make little wall tiles with doodles on them too!" so I am making a bunch of those...easy to make and finish and fit around large pieces in the kiln....
Speaking of the open studio, lookit the mess in the pic below. I am beginning to tidy it NOW. It will take awhile. Like, there is laundry drying in the studio. And on Sunday Stevo is like
"you have this nice skylight providing this beautiful light....onto boxes. Maybe it would highlight a nice display?"
Maybe. I don't really know yet, I am just BURIED in junk. And call this a before pic :)
Wow---that IS a nice skylight. Lots of potential there, Gary!
Stevo is right, of course. On the other hand, I didn't notice that skylight when we were there, because I was too busy taking pictures of the wheel and pottery in action!
PS: I posted a pic on the WWC today just for you! :)
You do have a lot of box space Gary - but trust me, I'm no potter and at times I just don't know where to put my stuff anymore.
You might need a roll off... or 1-800-Got Junk? Just kidding! Are all those boxes empty? Maybe you could break them down and shove them in the glaze basement..... :)
You call that "buried in junk"? Pah! Mere beginner.
That is tidy and organised.
Nice skylight though.
Your junk still looks pretty organized to me:) But have to agree with your friend that that sky light is asking for a display!
Oh no. Are you a hoarder?
Just posted the same comment twice. Now I'm posting again to say something that would be obvious to anyone that saw it. Here's hoping this only posts once and I can break the cycle.
Hey Gary, love your fingerling vases! What a great idea! Bet you sell lots!
OMG I want one of those vases! And I have to remember to order a shiny happy plaque for my totally not shiny happy friend's birthday next year. Always planning ahead, me.
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