(cups by Gary Rith--I really dig Mouse and Cat but they have nothing to do with this)
Steven, my carpenter extaordinaire, rebuilt this old house from the ground up. And painted it purple, clever dude, then sold it to us. Naturally I hire him to do jobs on the house as I love him. Plus he knows the place and does a fantastico job.
Today he comes over and I have all these old-house crevices up along the roof line I wanted filled in, because bees always want to nest in them. And the wife sez "have him clean the gutters while he is up there" and Steven does both, a great job per usual, and I am wondering how many hundreds this might cost and he is like
"40 bucks and two bowls" and I am like
"!!!!!" and he is like
"yeah, we need gifts for a party!"
Can you send him over to ours????
Very nice. Isn't it great when you can pay people in pottery? I love it. :)
brilliant bit of battering...i like!!
Does he work for photographs as well?
A man of great talent, and great taste, and, best of all, a good friend!
Honest, good people - are hard to come by, Gary.
About 15 years ago, I helped an older gentleman by removing four raccoons that had moved in under his bathtub. I was a new business then, and he was a good 60 miles from my home, so it was a costly job that took about a week, including fixing the holes. He paid me $50 bucks, gave me an antique railroad lantern, a old framed photo of a raccoon family taken by trip-wire in the Adirondacks (currently hanging on my wall) and a potted pine tree (they bought for Christmas but didn't have time to plant. I treasure the lamp and photo. I'm sure I got the better end of the deal. Barter is good!
I really like the evolution of the brushwork.
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