Saturday, December 13, 2008

President Obama and me

Stick with me here, this was quite a dream.

So, I dreamt that I decided to work in a coffee shop because I REALLY wanted to make cappucinos for people and pass out pastries and whatnot, and for this I was paid 7.50 plus the occaisional quarter tip. At tax time it turned out that all the lovely small business deductions I have become accustomed to do not apply to working stiffs pulling espressos, and all of my income PLUS was given over to the IRS. (Self-employed business people like me have the highest individual tax rate, BUT we also have the most amazing array of legal deductions known to man, and my wife is a rather good bookeeper). So anyway, I basically ended up paying the gov't to leave the house and serve coffees which didn't seem right UNTIL

it turned out that President Obama needed me. In his cabinet. And for our first meeting, I swear I am not making this up, we were all in our underwear. I was a little uncertain why my advice was needed, but you know, I was along for the ride.


Hilary said...

What, no rodents? I'll bet the hamster orchestrated the whole dream. He's such a spotlight-hogger!

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to laugh at more... Your post or Hilary's comment!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

What kind of underwear was Obama wearing?

Gary's third pottery blog said...

See, that's the horrible part (TMI!!!!!) he had old baggy briefs that were blue with white and red trim!!!!!!!!!!
Where the heck is my sweet hamster friend??????

Gordo said...

Your unique point of view, Gary. That's what he needed. LOL

Werner Sun said...

Boy, Gary! Makes me wonder what's in that glaze of yours....

Anonymous said...

At least it wasn't
Blagoyavich in skivvies.. Yikes!

~ Sil in Corea said...

Verrry Interrestink! Und for vat vos der Prezident consultink you? (sotto voice to aides: I pilif ve haf a life von heer.)

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

me too! I was wondering about the Hamster. You know, he really needs a name....

Anonymous said...

Small business is really the way to go if you want to take lots of deductions. I had a friend in college whose aunt and uncle were artists. She quoted them as saying "Every breath we take is tax deductible."

Unknown said...

Shhh! If I were you I'd keep VERRRY mum about that hamster. Don't you realize he's really a plant sent into your dreams to spy on your innermost thoughts. This could get very dangerous for you Gary, so tread softly and don't forget that big stick of butter. (To greaee yourself to slip out between the bars, when THEY come to take you away!)

Anonymous said...

Did anyone have zebra-striped skivvies?