Monday, December 8, 2008

garden of Eden

(bowl by Gary Rith)
I have put frogs or caterpillars on things and glazed them a nice spring green, but it occurs to me that in 2009 I might go overboard. I was thinking garden of Eden and an abundance of reptiles and the like, all on one piece, and maybe I do this in 2009. This bowl has turtle, inch worm and frog. I am also reminded of Lowly worm and the way R!chard Scary illustrates his pages with an abundance of animals. The more the better, eh?


Hilary said...

Very cute! My older son loved Lowly when he was a kidlet.

Gary's third pottery blog said...

burned into my memeory!

Anonymous said...

I *heart* Lowly Worm. But that middle creature -a frog?- looks a bit like an alien to this shopping-tired-mama.

Anonymous said...

I love Richard Scarry's books! Can't help but wonder, though if he were brought up in some overly fanatical protestant home that believed in "worm theology". Why else would a worm be "lowly"?

Newt said...

Awesome. Have you ever thought of attempting a fairy? I'm sort of partial to those.

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

Oooh, inch worms makes me think of the "bookworm" they used to tell stories about at the library.

Could you make a wormie head on top of a flat book mark body? Just curious.

Well, I know YOU CAN, just didn't know if you had considered it...

How cute though? Right? Oooh, and you could sell them at the library!

Nightie-Ngt Monday!

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

Oh, and the bowl is adorable. Lil'Gal has taken to drawing turtles with her princesses and fairies. (I haven't figured it out yet).

But, the demarkations on your turtle look very similar to hers -- seriously -- and she actually draws and awesome turtle!

So, I'm partial to the turtle. :-)