(ducky pitchers by Gary Rith, little chicken pitcher made in a factory overseas by sweat shop workers chained to their machines and making pennies a day)
There is a cute traditional French pitcher made in the shape of a chicken which is cute. Here is an example. I however, make the rather superior totally handmade ducky pitcher, which is my own invention and design, although they pour very badly out the beak. No matter.
My pal Mary Lee is trying to stuff everybody's stocking with one of these cute duckys....
Okay last night I dreamed I made an elephant teapot - looked like a real elephant- and I glazed it green, but I could not figure out where to put the handle.
lol @ cookingwithgas! Gary, your duckies are so cute...so what if they don't pour well?
thanks Lynda, that's what I SAY--and cooking w/ gas I make teapots like that!
I admit to having a chicken wine pitcher from Italy (not China, Italy!) and it came with a story of why they make them. However, your duckie pitchers are much cuter.
That ducky pitcher quacks me up!
Totally loving the duckies!
Your ducks are the best. I want to copy them, or try to. But I won't. Even though it would be the sincerest form of flattery, right?
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