What can I tell ya?
Small miracle here in Canada's suburbs: 5o degrees! All that rotten snow from Thurs-Fri-Saturday is melting. Give me a nice brown and green, muddy and warm Christmas anyday, the heck with that white Christmas stuff. I actually went outside and hosed off some of my filthy glaze buckets. Supposed to go back to that arctic stuff tonight, but I appreciate a break.
SO, after a super pleasant trip to the grocery store and county dump with the trash, I printed a zillion copies of my favorite dog and cat pictures and the guy at CVS, and I like CVS, took ten bucks off! You know I had to go to the liquor store after that. WHICH means I have NOW GOTTEN EVERYBODY'S PRESENTS. If you are my close friend or relative, you can expect a 12 pack or some other lovely liquid present on the 25th.
My Santa work is done. My orders are shipped. The Cornell Pot shop is closed. Other than washing the dishes, my holiday season stretches out in front of me.
*meaning northern NY, a suburb of Canada if you are trying to make a small and lame joke
Booze is good. Can't go wrong with booze. EVER.
Wasn't the weather something else today?! I was glad for the melt, but now my front entrance is yucky filthy. Blech.
I'd be more than happy with yucky filthy and WARM. We reached a high of -1 F today. That's right: minus one. I had to bring my beer in from the porch, it got so cold.
Twas lovely - but now it's raining.
it doesn't surprise me that you are already done with everything. i don't know anyone who is more organized than you.
I second Newt's comment. Scotch please!
As for the real Canadian weather in our suburb...it's currently -2 Celsius and not going to get above 0 until the end of the week. Thus, the 1.5 feet of snow in the yard and on the roads is going nowhere fast. Drat.
Congrats on getting it all done - I myself have one box still to ship - and guess what that box might contain? Go on, Gary - guess....
Now, let's see if you were right...
It's 4 Gary Rith mugs - an angel, a cow jumping over the moon, three little pigs, and a frog sitting on a green lily pad on top of a black mug.
Sound familiar???
I KNOW my cousins will LOVE them.
Thanks again, and happy holidays to you, Maude and da babies...
The high was -4F here and should be the same until Friday when they promise it will get up to the teens. The fun thing is that I get to experience NY weather a week before they get it.
We don't want it, we don't need it!
Gary, you are too stinkin' cute for words. I just saw your "lovey dovey all the time" and "petite tastycake" bit in your profile.
You must have sent your snow over here - and you can have it back! I doan like it!
Our crummy weather comes from Alaska.
OOOH! Time for a drinkie-poo ;)
Hey! I'm your cousin, remember?!
And I'm thirsty...
It was warm up here too. Very wierd weather we're having in the east.
Nice photo of your fishing hole.
Just call me sis...I'll take the tequila or dark rum! Brrrr it's cold up here in South west British Columbia....I need something to keep me bones warm....wink! Express post!
We send our snow to you for testing, Gary. The last batch was defective, so ours is all gone as well. ;-)
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