(zebra mug by Gary Rith)
Twas fiddling around with different ideas, yes I was, and this came together and I am very pleased. With zebras, probably more is better?
I dreamt, I really did, that I went to Houston to see Lynda and FW for a little blogger vacation. Houston was a wonderful, mystical sort of Emerald City at the end of the Yellowbrick Road. I havn't been to Texas, but I am sure it must be true! It was warmer anyway, that's for sure.
Penny was lying in front of the heater, as she does, getting toasty, when Emily kitten walked by and sniffed Penny, and they had a fight. The dogs and cats usually get along great, but occaisionally they remind you they are animals. Animals who will fight for the spot in front of the heater. :(
You know that it is Echo and the Bunnymen week here at my blog. Killing Moon.
Wow! I love that mug!
Gary, I just found out a few months ago that "Don't mess with Texas" isn't a tough-guy slogan. It's owned by the Texas Dept of Highways or somesuch and refers to litter. LOL
As I drive through Texas in my dreams I will try not to toss my trash out the window.
Gary, Gary...how right you are! It's a mystical, magical place and Texas would welcome you as long as you keep that perspective! You should make a trip somewhere between mid-March to mid-April and see our incredibly gorgeous bluebonnets. They are so blue, they hurt your eyes to look at them.
On another note, my stepmom was given her longhorn teapot and sugar bowl. You just cannot believe how HAPPY she was! She is so proud of them and is going to display them so all her friends can see them. They certainly were the best of gifts!
Houston is drivable from where I am. Long drive, but drivable! Or, you could come in July or early August and see Texas Summer Snow! The cotton is gorgeous after they spray to drop the leaves!!!
That mug is awesome! It's going up in Gary's Store Front at my place!!
Happy Day After Christmas, FWFD!!!
Thank you both. You know, we have very limited access to Texas beers here, and I am thinking that I would need to be introduced to your Shiner Bock, wouldn't I? And here in the North? March and April are totally cruel--60-70 one day, then snow all the next week. So I would be up for a trip to Texas in March alright.
I think you're pretty much the only non-big oil millionaire to describe Houston in such glowing terms. ;-)
I see stripes on the INSIDE!!
*grin* Stripes is the name of SM's beloved stuffed zebra.
I, too, was disappointed to learn that "Don't Mess with Texas" was an anti-litter campaign. Not that I like litter, but gee whiz, I liked the bumper sticker a whole lot more before I knew that!!
We have Shiner Bock here in VA. Come visit us!! :)
We even own a Texas state flag, and have a born & bred Texas boy.
KC, I was rather amused to find out about the slogan. It certainly made it less confrontational. ;-)
Gary, we've been to Texas (Dallas/FW, Houston and down to Galveston) twice and it's quite the place. Both times were in June and the heat was insane. I would think April/May would be gorgeous. Only place I've ever been offered a beer in a store. :-) A clothing store, no less.
Thanks for putting up that video, one of my fave 80's song and I had forgotten how darn cute those boys were......
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