(pottery and pint of blood by Gary Rith, spiffy Japanese food by Kyushu)
Soooo, unloaded what may be the last of the ducky cuppys. My pal Cheri in California has ordered almost 40 of these overall, plus the doggy ones too.....
Gave some blood today for the Red Cross. They pester me all the time. My O negative is the universal donor, anybody can use it. The idiot who stuck me last February blah blah then I fainted for the first and only time in my life blah blah blah...I hadn't wanted to give after THAT bad experience, but this was smoooooth sailing today.
AND, waiting in line for me was my little buttercup with a bag of Japanese takeout from Kyushu next door, like veggie tempura and avocado roll and garlic broccoli and holy cats that is good. YES, I will give blood for veggie tempura and WASABI sauce.
It's been a long time since I've given blood. I used to give blodd at my old job because they GUILDTED me into it!
The veggie tempura and garlic broccoli sound good. I'm allergic to avacadoooos though.
Good for you.. and I'm glad you didn't faint. :)
I love Japanese food. And I do like Wasabi with Sushi, but in very small amounts. The first time I tasted it, I had no idea what it was. I was at a vegetarian wedding, and thought by the colour, that it was guacamole. It never even occurred to me that it could be anything else. I had a big chunk of it on a chip and thought my sinuses would disintegrate. I needed to reapply make up after that.
Giving blood does make you hungry--mmmm, tempura!
I thought those little rolls looked like avocado! Yummy! Wasabi sauce in very tiny amounts is nice, and the rest of it...wow, it looks good on that plate!
I'm a little grossed out by the blood, but because it is for such a good cause, I won't faint or be ill. The first few times I gave with no problems, but since then it has been a little tricky. Last time I gave (about 6 years ago!), I was very careful to not be sick afterwards...and then 2 or 3 weeks later I got a letter in the mail saying they had to reject my donation. I feel a little bit guilty, as I haven't tried since.
I suppose it is time to try again...
When I told the lady that last time I had fainted and it was bad but that prior to that the young woman in the corner with the 9 piercings in her ear had given me the softest stick of my life, the challenge was on. She did a mighty good job.
Hilary, you're right, wasabi and guac look the same! I love how wasabi goes right up through your sinuses ::woohoo::! then passes...
Good for you on the blood, Gary. I haven't given for years, either. I need to get back into that.
Wasabi is something else. One of the profs at work came back from a Tokyo with a case of wasabi peas. They're a yummy snack, but the work like Dristan. :-0
LOL ... My word verification is "sprongi".
I like that stuff! Though, we don't do a whole lot of sushi around here.
Um, Gary, showing us your insides? A little forward, huh? I mean we are friends and all, but that's a little TMI for me.
I can't give blood. Although, I have daydreamed about being able to freeze up a bunch of my own should I need it.
After birthing my first one I went back into the hospital hemorrhaging and passing clots the size of baseballs. Due to disintegrated placenta that didn't all make it out the first time.
YIKES! I came within mili-units of having a transfusion. OK, now maybe I'm TMI?
Happy Christmas Eve!
I only eat vegetable sushi, definately no raw fish!
Notice how frothy and deep red my blood is. I am very impressed, it looks quite healthy and useful.
Awww! those THEN and NOW pix of you two are really wonderful. Adorable couple then, and still sooo good-lookin', both of you! As to wasabi, funny you should mention it, since I've just finished a full plate of sushi with a LOT! of wasabi. Love the stuff. but the first time I had it, all unaware of its truly fiery properties I thought I was a goner! Couldn't get my breath, thought the top of my head had gone missing and my sinuses were so open I could have blown out at least 100 birthday candles just by sneezing.
Thank you. I discovered clay after my life slowed down, due to a car biting off my foot while draining every drop of blood from my body. Transfusions saved me, obviously. I can't give blood due to cancer 20 years ago (10 years before the car cut off my foot - always sign up for long-term disability). Thanks to all who donate: you're my Christmas, and every year that follows.
Now I know where to go for my blood type. I can't give blood anymore as I'm on warfarin for ongoing thrombosis.
Gary, always eat something before going to give blood, anything rich in B vitamins and a little sweet.
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