(mugs by Gary Rith)
I posted yesterday, just below, a video of me throwing a mug body. This is what I was making, after the mug was half dry you add can eyes, handle etc. I have made monster mugs before, which have fangs and all, but I was thinking why not just ordinary teeth too? With a tongue at the bottom ;^)
You do the most wonderful work!
These are SO cool!
They remind me of mustache cups they used to make. They had a small shelf at the top of the cup to prevent the mustache from getting wet or stained from the drink in the cup.
Kim, I remember those. In fact, I've seen them in "men's" stores recently.
Gary, these are my favourites. AMazing.
These are SUPER CUTE!!!
Those would look really cool with a nice frothy beverage like a Latte. That way they would be foaming at the mouth!
Those are cute! You do such great work Gary.
foaming at the MOUTH, har!
Those are SO FREAKING AWESOME!!! WOWOWOW!! Very creative and cool... LOVE IT!
Cute, but a little scary. LOL. That would make a great present and great conversation starter.
I can't imagine drinking out of the cup and then seeing the tonque.
absolutely love it!
I'd be afraid of getting bite marks on my cheeks! ;)
Creepy and funny all rolled into one.
Pretty rockin' awesome! I am going to take the idea btw. It has NC face jug written all over it. Great blog. Thanks for the posts.
I am going to start my "real" blog in the next week, and I live about 10 minutes from Ron and visited Doug in England this summer. I am glad to meet a great member of the pottery blog community.
Totally cute :) I can't wait to see them glazed!
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