(Missus Peach Pie wearing her new whopping big diamond earrings)
So I am walking Penny yesterday, and it is true I find a lot of stuff, I am a good scrounger, when I see a smashed jewelry box in the road. Inside there is bling and it says 10k, which must mean something.
I graciously give the pretty diamond earrings in the wee little box to my little Peach Pie, have I mentioned it is almost our wedding anniversary? Plus Christmas?
After she opens the little smashed box that says 10k and glues the huge diamonds back into the mounts we see "CZ" on the back of the of the smashed box. What does "CZ" mean? ;^) *
*Yes, I know what CZ means....
ROTFL! Hey I PREFER cz. That way I don't have to cry (much) when I lose them! Har!
Hi, I just stumbled on your blog (your comment on MizFit's site) - I went to Cornell and actually was a member of the studio for a semester. I graduated a year ago and I'm in California again. Hope you're staying warm in snowy Ithaca!! You can always warm up with some delicious Mate tea on the commons @ Mate Factor - my most favorite part about the town.
Hehehe. CZ ain't diamonds, but at least 10K is real gold... and hey, CZ is better than rhinestones, which is akin to cut glass.
I have a few CZs that I enjoy, and I think your peach of a wife will too. And good eye for spotting the smashed box!!!
The diamond industry is a dirty, rotten business and many people suffer for what may well be one of the most plentiful natural resources on the planet. Yay for CZ! :)
Oh, and as a total digression, my word verification today is ZOOMY. Neat.
Dh found his wedding ring in a park (we were engaged at the time) --it's not an expensive ring, but we were poor and no one claimed it. Score!
That was 21-1/2 years ago. :)
Wouldn't you just love to know the story behind WHY they were in the road?!
Mizzus peach pie looks beautiful. :)
After I read this - I thought about how they could have gotten in the road...
a)Perhaps a fella gave them to his gal and she noticed the 'cz' and thought he was cheap, so she threw them out the window of the car???
b)A fella was going to give them to his gal and they had a fight so HE threw them out the window instead of giving them to her.
I bet some lad gave them to his greedy girlfriend and she threw them (and him) out the window when she realized they weren't "real" diamonds.
Because she spoiled that way.
But, your sweet Peach loves you and the thought and gift to her is worth WAYYYYYYY more than a couple of big diamonds! :-)
Hey, those were CZ's!
cz=cheap zero dude?
frankly, cz or not, found in the street or not, they look great!
I have a gorgeous CZ ring I wear proudly and love to pieces! And those earrings are beautiful, so there! I'd wear 'em in good health and bad, in sickness and poorness, etc., and love the guy who rescued 'em and gave 'em to me! So there! And they ARE great looking, too -- just like Maude.
Found treasures are the best, Gary.
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